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I thought it was about time I introduced myself as I've been lurking on here for quite a while now but never posted anything.

Just over a year ago I was fortunate enough to go on a stargazing trip in the Sinai desert (Egypt) using a Meade LX200 (12") scope and was fascinated by the views of Jupiter and Polaris. If you ever get the chance to go, do it as there is zero light polution and the amount of stars visible is quite breathtaking.

Anyhow, as soon as I got home I went straight on ebay (heart ruling over head!) and bought myself a Celestron Powerseeker 675 (114mm reflector) which I have been playing with for the last year. I know this scope has a lot of shortcomings (wobbly mount, poor eyepieces with the basic kit etc) but it has allowed me to view the rings on Saturn (what a fantastic feeling it was seeing those for the first time), the bands around Jupiter and 4 of the moons around it and some lovely views of our own moon. Eventually I want to upgrade to a better scope but at the moment I'm still finding my feet, and trying to work out where I want the hobby to take me.

I'm quite literally hooked on stargazing and am now constantly watching weather forcasts hoping for clear nights so I can be out there. I'd also like to say that I've been blown away by the amount of good quality information available to people like myself who are new to astronomy and wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic forum.

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Hi Steve and welcome to the forum.

It's good to see someone finding their feet first and taking it slowly. The forum is a great resource on lots of levels which is reinforced by the search facility at the top of the page that records all the responses to past questions etc. However, although there is a lot of experience here, none of it can be used to help shape the weather and that is also one of the realities of this area of interest. My advice would be to never turn down a clear night as you never know when the next one will come along!:):D

Glad you could join us and I'm sure you will enjoy your stay.

Wishing you clear skies


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Thanks James.

I know all too well how easy it is to try to run before you can walk. So far I've resisted the urge to rush out and spend a huge amount of money on something that doesn't do what I'd hope it would.

Luckily I bought 'Turn left at Orion' soon after getting my scope and it made me realise that there is a lot of things out there that you can easily see without spending a huge amount. So at the moment I'm making the most of what I've got and learning my way around the sky.

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