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Hi from another newbie!!


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Hi everyone,

Just started getting into this astronomy hobby and boy there's a lot to learn :evil6:

I've been reading an awful lot of books, articles and threads from this site (very friendly and knowledgeable) and I think I'm ready to purchase my first telescope :)

I've decided upon a Sky Watcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2 as it seemed to be a pretty good all rounder. I was about to order this for about the £250 mark when I saw that Kay Optical were selling it for £219 with free delivery. Never heard of them before, can anyone recommend them?

Anyway I can't wait till the skies clear and I can get out there!!!

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No sorry, I've no experience of them.

I'm somewhat biased since I tend to buy from FLO, but you need to consider after-sales support if you have a problem - I know you'll get that from FLO.

However, 30 quid is 30 quid.


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You're absolutely right and I've heard good things about FLO. I don't mind too much spending the extra £30 If I know I'm going to get good after sale service.

The extra £30 could get me an extra eyepiece though & I would'nt have to tell the missus :)

At the end of the day I will only buy from a reputable source.


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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Never heard of Kay Optical but the scope you've chosen with the focal length of 750mm is £219, its the longer focal length version with 1200mm that is £249 and might explain the confusion above. Having a quick look, they appear to have a high street presence (be it a shop over another retail outlet) so at least they are not operating out of the back of a lorry. Customer service is the big consideration, especially when optics are delivered by the likes of Parcel force etc and the possibility that you might be given a box of bits! If they are local to you I would give them a try but I would make a personal visit to be sure. Or you can buy from FLO who aren't just retailers but astronomers too!

Clear skies


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Hi and welcome from me :) I;d second getting it from a known relieable source.

My second scope I bought on price, it was nominally cheaper than FLO and what a mistake that turned out to be. The scope arrived busted (twice) and the dealer just shrugged his shoulders and said 'well thats parcel force baby'

It wasnt a satisfactory experience and given the spate of dealers going bust in a spectacular way it would just make me seriously consider who I am giving cash to - and I'll be paying bat card from now on after some of the horrors that have happened.

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Hi and welcome.

I just bought an sw150p,i just about managed to haggle a 10% discount to £231 so it does seem a little cheap to me.Personally i would pay the extra and make sure.

Its a good scope and im trying to get out when the clouds are not there.

The eye pieces are not that bad for newbies you will get some good looks at the moon and jupiter,they will keep you going for a month or so.I managed to get a couple of bargins on ebay.

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