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Do you read science fiction?


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Yes i do, not well up on the modern stuff, rather enjoyed Brian Aldiss's "Helliconia" trilogy last year, oldie but still good IMO.

Greg Bear has some amazing concepts in his books- personally i don't care much for his writing style, but the ideas are something to get your head round. Eon & eternity would be a good starting point.

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Used to - less so now. The last 'modern' sci fi book a read was 'The Nights Dawn Trilogy' made up of three books by Peter F Hamilton but in my time I have read Asimov, Aldiss, Philip K [removed word] (read a lot of PKD), Larry Niven, AE Van Voght, Moorcock pretty much all of the 1960s and 70s stuff, though Asimov of course goes back a lot further. In the 80s I got into PKD and read pretty much everything he wrote then I stopped. I kind of read myself out of Sci Fi. The Peter F Hamilton books were the last Sci Fi I read and I found them pretty good. The science is there but the charcters do go off in 'Dynasty' moments at times - none the less a mighty acheivement.

These days I tend to read biographies, histories and the off beat stuff like 'We Are All Made of Glue' by Marina Lewycka oh also Jake Arnots first three books (The Long Firm, He Kills Coppers and Truecrime) which were amazing.

'The Poison Principle' was also brilliant but I forget the author.

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+1 for Ian M Banks, and pretty much anything else with a SciFi twist!

I loved Contact, but was disappointed by the film - the book was much better.

It may be time to go book shopping again... At least it's something to do whilst waiting for the gaps in the clouds

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I used to read a lot of science fiction: Asimov, Heinlein et al. but not much recently. Now I mostly read crime / espionage stuff: Val McDermid, Kathy Reichs, Tom Clancy. Either that or funny factual stuff. H2O - A biography of water by Philip Ball is great.


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My favorites Sci Fi books are:

John Wyndham's : Day of the Triffids and The Kraken Wakes

James Follett's : Earthsearch I & II and the (difficult to find) prequel (which was written any years after) called Mindwarp.

George R Stewart: Earth Abides

Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle: Lucifer's Hammer

Neville Shute: On the Beach.

All out of print now, but you may be able to borrow from your library, or buy used from Amazon. You should be able to get descriptions from Amazon site.

Hope you find something interesting.


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My top four modern Sci-Fi authors are - Alistair Reynolds, Ken Macleod, Iain M. Banks and Peter F. Hamilton.

I'd recommend any of their books, as I've read them all, over the years, I'm reading Hamilton's 'The Evolutionary Void' at the moment . Also look out for Charles Stross, Dan Simmons, Richard Morgan...... actually I could probably go on for ages, don't even get me started on older Sci-Fi books!!!! :)

Happy reading. :D

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well iv read must be about 2 - 300 star trek books (own first print copys of all origional series and films :) ) but my fav has to be the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy by douglas adams the books are amazing all i think theres 6? in the triligy hes dead now but another writer used his work to write another book in the series but they are fantastic reads! and for the people who seen the film the films rubbish compared really really bad

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Not a big sci-fi reader. I'm more of a reader of history, especially the American Civil War, I used to love Stephen King, his last four or five have been disappointing.

If I had to recommend some sci-fi then Brian Aldiss's Heliconia trilogy is the one, I've read it twice and I can see myself reading it again sometime soon.

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Can someone recommend me a good Heinlein book to start off with , please?

I'm a big reader, and was just wondering if anyone on here reads science fiction, and had any recommendations?

Yes sir!

At the moment, I've been ploughing through the following;

Isaac Asimov's Foundation series (up to Second Foundation) - reading these books for the second time!

I, Robot


The following Arthur C. Clarke books;

The Sands of Mars

Childhood's End

The City and the Stars

The Songs of Distant Earth

A Fall of Moondust

Imperial Earth

The Rama Series

The Fountains of Paradise

well iv read must be about 2 - 300 star trek books

I haven't read a single Star Trek novel, but am a huge fan of the shows (except Enterprise) - any recommendations where to start?

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My favourites mainly oldies:

Asimov's Foundation trilogy

2001 and Rendez Vous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke

Ringworld by Larry Niven

Dune by Frank Herbert

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

The Void Trilogy by Peter F Hamilton

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John Wyndham's : Day of the Triffids and The Kraken Wakes

James Follett's : Earthsearch I & II and the (difficult to find) prequel (which was written any years after) called Mindwarp.

Brilliant books Bob.

I'd also add other classics -

Keith Roberts: The Furies

John Christopher: The Death of Grass, Wrinkle in the Skin and The World in Winter

HG Wells: Time Machine, War of the Worlds and First Men in the Moon.

Christopher Priest: The Space Machine.

and finally the greatest of them all ..........Stephen Baxter: The Time Ships (IMO destined to be a classic)

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Would agree with those saying Iain M Banks, his best being 'Use Of Weapons' in my opinion. Would say his last couple have been a bit of a let down.

Although not SF I would add Haruki Murikami, can be quite surreal at times. Just read the back cover of 'A wild sheep chase' and you will see what I mean!

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