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If you could touch the sun.


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I wonder what it would feel like?

Obviously completely impossible to do?

Imagine you were some sort of superhero type thing and could fly to the surface of the sun, what would it look like? How bright would it be?

I imagine some form of boiling goo.:)

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There is no "surface" as such. But - if you exposed your skin to the solar radiation, without the shielding effect of the atmosphere - you'd have terrible sunburn; a couple of minutes would hurt even at a range of 150 million kilometres.

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Obviously completely impossible to do?

Not if you go at night when it's cooler. :D:)

(getting my coat ;) )

In my imaginings, it would be gel-like and look similar to the rippling surface of the Stargate's center. The color would be a brilliant white-yellow, but not blindingly so. Being superheroes, we'd be able to plunge our hand into it, and would merely feel a slight tingle.. like the 'pins and needles' you get when your leg falls asleep, only not as intense. We'd be able to hover over the active regions and then fly through the arched proms.

Cool! :)

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Quote from the site:

"For four centuries Galileo's gas model of the sun has consistently failed to explain or simulate many of the key observational pieces of evidence from our own sun... On the other hand, the solar model that Dr. Kristian Birkeland experimented with in his lab in the early 1900's can easily explain these key observations... [The] sun has a solid, electrically conductive, ferrite surface, just below the observable photosphere which rotates uniformly every 27.3 days."

The author (Michael Mozina) also appears to be interested in disproving inflation judging from this thread he started (which seems to have ended up getting him suspended from the forum):

[split Thread] Michael Mozina's thread on Dark Matter, Inflation and Cosmology - JREF Forum

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I know of a Spanish woman who owns the Sun, so i have emailed her about this

Actually, Rupert Murdoch owns the Sun... But I can't be bothered emailing him.

So, you can touch the surface of the Sun, but it'll leave an inky smudge on your fingers...


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Yeah there is something so HOT about a bearded lady.

I use the term lady very loosely.


But a bearded lady is nothing without a red nose!

Kate Moss is always on the phone to me, asking how she can achieve my look. I've told her - it's not so easy - you have to adhere to a strict diet of red wine and mince pies.

It's true - I really have eaten all the (mince) pies...:)

Anyway, the sun...ahem...yes...hot and all fusiony.


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