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Hi from a total convert...


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Just want to say hi to you all. I met some of you at the SSP and I want to thank you for shattering my illusions about the hobby/passion. I also want to thank you for sparking my own enthusiasm for astronomy. I am Carl, aka Dark Knight's wife, and have to admit to only being mildly interested for very short periods before now:icon_confused:

I'm pretty non-teccy, so all the complicatedness (if that is a word) of Carl's kit turns me off. So how thrilled am I to have been awoken to the wonders and simplicity of the Dob at the star party? I was loving being camped next to Steve and Mick with their 16" beasts taking up more of the tent than they did :grin:

I've just got to work out how I can wangle my own scope now - I got a real hankering for a 12" Flexitube of my very own, I have to admit.....I promise I'll let Carl look through it too;). Oh well, one day :)

I'm signing up the the OU short astronomy course tomorrow too....has anyone else done it and what did you think?

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well,,,well,,,well,,,what have we here.....The highlight of the week at Salisbury for me was hearing you mutter those words oo oo oo I want one of those...We were lucky to have camped next to two fantastic, helpful and generous guys in Steve and Mick,,,the simplicity of the dobsonian design and views through their 16" scopes left a lasting impression and fed your enthusiasm. those guys showed us more in one night than we could have hoped for.

Then there was Owens HUGE 20" Dobsonian, The Veil Nebulae, and how you apologised for moving the OTA, thinking you had broken something only to be told that's fine keep tracking,,,chuffed to bits you were,,,all evening you were wowing, ooing and purring and that was only the second night lol.

It really was fantastic to see your willingness to learn about the hobby and take part in the socialising (lots of socialising). think I'll take up fortune telling instead...................................................hmmm I see a rather large box arriving shortly...

Welcome to SGL honey...

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A large box? With a 12" dobsonian in it? You are naughty, but I like you!!! Prrrrr...

When can we start on the hardstanding in the middle of the front garden then? lol

Seriously I would like to thank Steve, Mick and Owen for allowing me the privilege of observing through their amazing equipment. I feel very lucky to have met you and seen how easy and fun using your eyes (and not too much technology) can be. Sounds like I might have to tap you up for some pointers in the not too distant....:)

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Just imagine if I hadn't gone to Salisbury, nor maybe would Steve. We wouldn't have camped next to you. You wouldn't have looked through the dobs, and Carl would still have his money in his wallet:D

Good job I went then. Just have a can of fly spray handy when Carl opens his wallet. :)

Anyway Steph great username, why didn't I think of it :grin:. Nice meeting you and go and get that dob.

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I really enjoyed meeting you folks. I am so pleased that you are going to enjoy the amazing thinks out there that can be seen.

A 12 inch Dob should be splendid for picking out the Winter wonders including Mars!



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Fantastic to have you with us and so pleased you are getting into this wonderful hobby. Looks like you've got someone to support you (emotionally and, crucially financially too :)) as you go up the learning curve.

Wait til you start thinking about imaging :grin:

Welcome to SGL :)

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Hi Mrs DK,

welcome to the sight. Me & Neil met you on Saturday - we brought the BBQ & stole ur gas - thanks. I'm sure all the cooks were cursing us an hour into the big cook challenge (good job they did too). I love my 12'' dob (same one as you) - notice I say 'my'.. he's got a 6'' (snigger snigger) but he does the imaging.

You'll love it... Neils done the OU S194 (astro), S196 (planets) & S198 (how the universe works). I'm on level 2 - S283 (astrophysics/ astrobiology) & did S208 (Observing the Universe) in March Observatorie in Mallorca - I think there's a few photos on my flickr site, link below. That's another hobby that seriously bites & costs money too but when your hobbies sit well together & involves the other half then it can't be bad.



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Hello Steph, great to see you here :):hello2::grin:

It was a lot of fun meeting you and Carl at Salisbury....keep us posted re. another get together....we'll be there, hopefully looking through your new dob!!



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Welcome to SGL "dobserver" - Looks like you have all you need to See you on the Dark Side of the Moon


Congrats on your new found hobby and likewise, having the Stongbow, guitar playing, family next to the Light-tent was a real pleasure ! Can't wait to see it at Salisbury MkII

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well lads and lasses guess where we have been today..Clue......we now have a very large empty box on the living room floor, and there is a huge beast lurking in the corner,,,One 12" Lightbridge Deluxe with dual speed focuser,,,Lovely,,,Really glad we went for the Meade now as although slightly more expensive than the flexitube, the lightbridge just oozed quality. Paid £750 as it was used for display,,, Hope she likes it.

Rob we can do a week in October, I'll pm you the rough dates were available.

Thank you for the kind support shown by all and encouragement (Steve and Mick) given to my wife, believe me,,parting with the money was the easy bit lol..

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