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Hello from Devon

Steve George

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Hello, my name is Steve George. A few months ago my partner acquired a second hand Newtonian 130mm. I  gather it's a basic beginners model in need of some TLC. A previous job was a technician maintaining stage and event lighting, and the basic mechanics of follow spotlights seems very similar to telescopes, so I intend to restore it to good working order.

Took it out a few days ago and my first view of the moon has me hooked. 

I've signed on to look for advice on restoration and getting started on Astronomy. 

I'm also a qualified archaeologist so hoping to find ways to link the disciplines. 



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Welcome to SGL.

As you are finding already, being good with your hands is a bonus in this hobby.

I'm going to risk instant contradiction and say that you're the only qualified archaeologist active on the forum.


1 hour ago, Steve George said:

hoping to find ways to link the disciplines


Not sure if this counts, but:


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Welcome to SGL
Home of a friendly welcome and lots of friendly advice when saught.
No silly questions exist, we all start with a thirst for answers, so ask away and someone will be along,
with in the main sensible answers mixed with light humour.

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Thanks for the welcomes and advice. The Lascaux article is an interesting read. 

I've already given the tripod and mount a clean, just to get things moving clearly. I may well post my progress on the telescope once I've read up on the subject. 

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Hi and welcome Steve.

I'm assuming you have a Skywatcher 130PDS? I don't own one, though I have a number of Skywatcher newtonians and they all produce great results. I believe there is a thread here on SGL specific to the 130 PDS, though I think that's more about imaging. Have fun!

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