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25/11/23  18.20GMT 

With a 96% moon  

Quite surprised I was able to see a hint of pink when I took this picture. Maybe the blue colour from the moon, contrasted with the pink. This would likely of been a powerful display without the moonlight. 



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38 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Just processed a single image of Jupiter from the 24th November. 10,000frames 20% stack. C11 plus 2.5 powermate and Zwo Asi 462mc. Probably be able to do better if I derotate a few images. 


Wonderful image worthy of its own thread!

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Just in from a great 2-3 hours on Jupiter and probably 10 minutes on Uranus. My 8” Newtonian, Delos 6 for 167x giving views that easily surpassed my previous best-ever a few weeks ago with the SV140.

Wonderful intricate detail and a GRS that was really and obviously Red. Suddenly curtailed as Jupiter transited a house and all was mush.



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Another evening spent solely on Jupiter. Wanted to capture the great red spot. Easily visible by 11pm with lots of festoons from the NEB. SEB distinctive colours ended as the great red spot came onto the disk. Several perturbations around the great red spot. Earlier in the evening around 9.30pm there were two distinctive disturbances in the NEB. Cloded over completely by just after midnight. Forecast was bang on. 

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14 hours ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Thanks Mr Spock, I'm going to try a few images derotated in Winjupos and post in it's own thread if any good. 

Should post it in the planetary imaging thread Nigella. Lovely image 👍.

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It was quite hazy here yesterday, but when it cleared a bit I could find the Pleiades close to the full moon with the 10x50. But there was too much light to hope for much more. I'm spending 10 days under skies at Bortle 3-4, and of course the forecast is cloudy for the whole week to come...

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Saturn then Jupiter with the 100mm refractor so far tonight. It's cold so I'm popping in and out. The sky is quite clear now so I will have a look at the moon shortly.

Europa's shadow is crossing the jovian disk with Europa itself ahead of it. I can't see the moon itself currently - maybe I'll get a glimpse as it nears the planets limb. The shadow is nicely defined though. 180x seems an optimum observing magnification this evening.

Stellarium image of the event:



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30 minutes ago, John said:

Europa's shadow is crossing the jovian disk with Europa itself ahead of it. I can't see the moon itself currently - maybe I'll get a glimpse as it nears the planets limb......


Yep - Europa itself is now showing as a small bright disk close to Jupiter's limb. It's shadow is nearing the central meridian of the planet. Nice to get the two showing against the disk at the same time with the relatively small aperture 🙂

Just like this:


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Last view tonight before coming in - there seems to be an elongated dark feature on the N side of the NEB, currently around the central meridian. It looks a little barge-like. I've not seen a barge for a while on Jupiter.

Sky & Telescope guide to jovian features:



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1 minute ago, John said:

Last view tonight before coming in - there seems to be an elongated dark feature on the N side of the NEB, currently around the central meridian. It looks a little barge-like. I've not seen a barge for a while on Jupiter.


There is a barge on the NEB, imaged on 24th November


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Just got back in from doing my evening outdoor jobs. Whilst Outside at 5:30pm I saw the Starlink Satellite train go across the sky.

I'm assuming that I must have missed a few but it seemed to be broken into two line. First line had 6 satellites and then 11 in the second. 

Last time I saw it here in Lincolnshire it was one continous line.

Some hazy high level cloud around but much better than other nights of recent.

Pity my scope is buried behind a load of boxes as a result of having a new kitchen fitted...🫤🙄🙄😒

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Just chucked the 200P dob out; Io transit + shadow should be occurring about 10pm & 10:45pm. Last night’s transit was ruined by mist and clouds so here’s hoping 🤞🏼

It’s colder than Neptune out there though… 🥶

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22 hours ago, John said:

Last view tonight before coming in - there seems to be an elongated dark feature on the N side of the NEB, currently around the central meridian. It looks a little barge-like. I've not seen a barge for a while on Jupiter.

Sky & Telescope guide to jovian features:



I’ve noticed the lack of barges too John, I wonder why that is?

I observed a dark ‘knot’ in the NEB on the side with two festoons hanging down from it, ie not GRS side. I’ve not seen an image of it yet, but don’t think it looked like a barge, not sure what it was.

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There’s a ‘knot’ visible on the NEB currently. It seems to have a whiteish/lighter central point and is the outer walls of the knot are extending beyond the regular thick band. Io has just started its transit and is nicely brightened on the limb. 
The haze is killing the brightness making planetary detail really stand out. Possibly the first time I’m actually seeing the fuss about aperture on Jupiter!

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10 minutes ago, Stu said:

I’ve noticed the lack of barges too John, I wonder why that is?

I observed a dark ‘knot’ in the NEB on the side with two festoons hanging down from it, ie not GRS side. I’ve not seen an image of it yet, but don’t think it looked like a barge, not sure what it was.


1 minute ago, IB20 said:

There’s a ‘knot’ visible on the NEB currently. It seems to have a whiteish/lighter central point and is the outer walls of the knot are extending beyond the regular thick band. Io has just started its transit and is nicely brightened on the limb. 
The haze is killing the brightness making planetary detail really stand out. Possibly the first time I’m actually seeing the fuss about aperture on Jupiter!

Just found it on this image taken by Roy. Not a barge as it is not oval, what would we call it?


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10 minutes ago, Stu said:


Just found it on this image taken by Roy. Not a barge as it is not oval, what would we call it?


That could well have been what I saw. Looks like a wurst type sausage rather than a barge. Now whether it's linked in any way to those festoons of just happens to be located close to where they appear to derive ??? - no way to know I suppose 🤔


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I found this image taken within the last 48 hours by US imager Mike Spooner. It might to show the same feature in the NEB but it's a little straighter in this image. Of course Jupiter's features can change shape and position quite rapidly and the surface features rotate at different speeds. Makes it hard to keep track ! 🙄


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