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SwiMatt last won the day on April 27

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Visual astronomy, sketching, cultural astronomy, archaeoastronomy
  • Location
    Gothenburg, Sweden

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  1. Beautiful sketches @Ed astro! Very realistic too. I love the way you seem to draw a little bit of halo around the single stars. How do you achieve that effect?
  2. Very nice sketch @MZack! Did you use a brush for the haze?
  3. I was hoping to see a sketch after someone mentioned how many spots there were yesterday!! Such a cool sketch @josefk, it must have been a joy to draw!
  4. Yeah, the friend who told me this was not very happy...
  5. This weekend I saw: - the Moon finally higher up in the sky in the late afternoon / early evening sky (haven't seen the Moon in more than a month - it was too low behind the buildings); however, still to low to be able to observe from my balcony later at night; - a star with averted vision in the "darkening" sky yesterday night after the final; - a beautiful alignment of about 10 between bright stars and planets over a span of 10 degrees in the sky (yup, that was my dream last night). Better than nothing I guess but yesterday it finally felt like skies are indeed getting darker.
  6. So busy and so cool! Really neat sketch. PS I hope you'll soon get some rest from the heat, I know yesterday it was 41℃ in Cagliari 😅
  7. Awesome work!
  8. Great sketch @Gonariu!
  9. The logistics of holding a light while sketching and at the same time following manually an object can be daunting indeed
  10. It means a lot, thanks! I look forward to sketching more once we get some darkness back. The Sun can be fun but in it's not my favorite. I certifiably sucked when I started. Don't let it get the best of you! If you liked the process of sketching when you tried and would really want to try more, you could really enjoy a book like "Astronomical Sketching: A Step-by-Step Introduction" to get more directions about easy beginner techniques and general steps to astronomical sketching.
  11. I wanted to get out and sketch for the longest time but something else always seemed to stop me... but today I had a small chance and took it! The Sun did not disappoint, showing so much activity. I had to move fast in between the clouds to sketch all I could see on this busy disk! The whole sketch took about 15 minutes, 20 with some (bad...) darkening of the limb. But nice to be back out!
  12. Out for some short solar activity between the clouds... (yeah the net is not ideal but I'm sharing the balcony with my cats.. it doesn't seem to affect the views though)
  13. Compared to most things on this thread, I got some "boring" items, but important. The Duplex Moon Atlas finally (so I can stop asking you all what the heck did I just sketch), and an optics cleaning kit because my eyepieces got extremely dirty with particles from the old bag I kept them in.
  14. I'm living vicariously through your reports people, please keep them coming. Here at 58N we have no darkness currently. Even the Moon is so low on the horizon and I haven't seen it in a month or so. I can only read what you folks write, plan on some super Autumn sessions and dream about how I'm gonna spend money when September comes...
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