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What did you see tonight?


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1 hour ago, Stu said:

The latter being one of my favourites. It looks like it was well positioned last night, shame your seeing wasn’t up to taking higher power. Aristarchus can look amazing too, with varying shading down the crater walls.

Found an old smartphone picture I got of it under decent conditions. Close up crop added too. Really interesting feature.



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Nice little sessionette after a club night last night. The skies looked clear on the way home, but there was lots of broken cloud and threatening rain by the time I got back, so the original plan of an all night imaging run was shelved. Consoled myself with a very relaxing little midnight session with the 8 inch dob.

Started on Jupiter and spent a while there until the clouds covered it. Seeing was better than usual: 300x was just about sustainable, with nice detail emerging all the way to the poles. Very thin cloud cover actually seemed to improve the view briefly, like an ND filter! The Galileans were nicely arranged in the fov. 

That part of the sky clouded over for a bit so I went West and spent a little time splitting the double double and enjoying Vega. Next came a gap to the east, so back to the Nirvana 4mm and Mars was offering a little detail- some surface shading and a hint of ice. Looking forward to the next few months there.

The next gap was overhead so I went for the double cluster at 36x: some lovely colours coming through, but the conditions really didn't allow it to show its best.

Now the gaps were to the south again so I finished back up at 300x on the moon and some really spectacular views of the limb, with shadows stretching forever across craters.

This was my first serious scope and I've had it for seven years. There are now six others scattered around the shed and garage, all sexier in various ways. But it really beats all of them for a quick session like this: almost zero setup time, holds collimation like a dog with a bone and totally delivers on a wealth of targets. Love it 😀

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Cloudier than forecasts suggested last night and first attempt to take the 10” outside thwarted by heavy rain. Nevertheless managed a good albeit brief session on the moon. 

Having a look around S@N’s moonwatch October targets centred around the 40km Harpalus crater, north of Sinus Iridum. Not a particularly difficult target but interesting to take in the craters distinctive sharp form owing to Its relative youthfulness. Nearby Foucault standing out well. Image for records not a competition entry ! taken with ZWOASI224. 


Edited by Astro_Dad
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Nice clear evening , full moon , but Jupiter is giving it's best for me even this early . The four bright moons are in close order to the planet and I spotted a very faint star to the upper left of Europa , when I zoomed in on the sky portal map it's the 9th mag star HD473 , a maybe insignificant spot , but a nice find nontheless. Using a 17mm plossl EP . A few very high clouds about but the planets and moon don't seem to mind .

21:43 .. Ganymede now really close to Jupiter , great sight

21:58, Ganymede occulted by Jupiter . This is the first time I've witnessed a live occultation. 

A quick look at the moon and then a look at the star Scheat in Pegusus , a real beauty, glowing orange , onto Andromeda , it is the best I've seen it recently but  I tend to get more out of other galaxies as far as visual goes , the cigar galaxy never disappoints and that is the case tonight . 

A look at M2 , not too bright but then again the moon is putting most other things in the shade , a last look at Albireo and it's companion , always a lovely way to end a session . In at 22:30 , and getting warm .. quite chilly out there tonight , but a good evening .  

Edited by Stu1smartcookie
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Out with the Mu 210 tonight. Started with Saturn and it’s one of the finest views I can remember in years. Nicely defined Cassini, belt structure and superb shadow of globe on the rings. Then onto Jupiter. also terrific belt detail, but now some light cloud passing…hope to see GRS later


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Yes, the seeing is very good here too. I'm using a 120mm Mak and can see lots of detail on Jupiter and Saturn. Ganymede just got eclipsed. There is some haze which acts as a ND filter on Jupiter.

Edited by Nik271
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Seeing is absolutely pants here. Everything is wobbling.

Managed to see the shading on the walls of Aristarchus clear enough, with some crater floor detail at x198. Jupiter was too fuzzy at x198 so dropped back to x143. Some belt detail is there.

I'll try again a bit later to see if things have settled down. 

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Lovely session with the 102ED and BVs - that setup is just such a joy to use. Watched the occultation of Ganymede and picked up lots  of detail on the Jupiter - particularly pleased to get a white oval in what I believe is the South Temperate belt. Would be interested to know if that is a well known white oval or just one of many? Tried different colour filters, in all honesty I couldn’t see any improvement with any of them.  Also got out the RC6 to try for visual for the first time ever - pure curiosity as it’s primarily my EAA scope - the results were horrible - that huge obstruction just washes out all sharpness and contrast. Curiosity satisfied, it’s back in the box for the RC6 for now! 

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I was out shooting sequences of Jupiter tonight, but there were a few naked-eye visual treats. Jupiter and the Moon were very close together in the sky, and I saw Mars for the first time this year, much to my surprise. Instantly recognizable and very red - but it was twinkling so I knew seeing in that direction was quite bad. I couldn't resist a couple of quick processes of the data to see if all was ok before going to bed...


I need Mars higher and closer for my C6, but happy to capture a bit of detail already despite the liquid seeing.

Edited by Ags
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5 minutes ago, Ags said:

I was out shooting sequences of Jupiter tonight, but there were a few naked-eye visual treats. Jupiter and the Moon were very close together in the sky, and I saw Mars for the first time this year, much to my surprise. Instantly recognizable and very red - but it was twinkling so I knew seeing in that direction was quite bad. I couldn't resist a couple of quick processes of the data to see if all was ok before going to bed...


I need Mars higher and closer for my C6, but happy to capture a bit of detail already despite the liquid seeing.

Great results, especially Mars. Visually it was small, wobbly and unpleasant tonight. On Jupiter I think you have captured the white oval I described - very interesting to see in the image. You’re getting some great results with your C6. 

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1 hour ago, Whistlin Bob said:

Not much chance of astronomy when you're in the middle of Birmingham, but here's the moon and Jupiter over Grand Central station tonight.


Nice! I also spotted them from the rather polluted Canterbury city centre, so I couldn't help taking a picture from the living room. Double exposure, with a Samyang 135, merged in PS -and oversharpened for Instagram. ☺️


When zooming in, one can see Ganymede before eclipsing:


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Despite the iffy seeing, I've just had a 'wow' session on Jupiter. GRS is really prominent and in the 102 I can see it as a pale brick red. Had a fascinating half hour watching one moon slowly move over the edge and on to the surface; at the same time another came out from behind. Starting first as a faint speck it gradually reached full brightness in a couple of minutes.

It's my first chance to use the 4mm Nirvana. I can't believe how good it is. It looses nothing on the 4mm SLV on Jupiter and I think I prefer it on the moon. The interior of Aristarchus looked very nicely shaded and contrasty and just a smidge crisper than the SLV.

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Out at 4am with one target in mind, this season's first observations of Mars. Opting for simplicity (and stealth...), I chose the Altair f7 102 refractor & the AZ5 plonked straight out onto the patio and a comfy rattan chair.

With excellent seeing I managed up to 178x with a Vixen SLV 4mm. The planet displayed a shadow phase in the western limb and hints of Mare Acidalium(?). I wasn't expecting much but nonetheless, considering the current size of Mars in the sky and using a 4" telescope I was happy with those observations for starters. I had a few breaks, sitting back and despite the bright sky enjoyed the naked eye view of Pleiades, Hyades and Orion. Sirius popping out from behind the neighbouring houses topped off the autumnal atmosphere.

At 5.30am the kit was packed up as Mars drifted into a dispersing aircraft contrail... A nice peaceful ninety minutes.

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1 hour ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

Out at 4am with one target in mind, this season's first observations of Mars. Opting for simplicity (and stealth...), I chose the Altair f7 102 refractor & the AZ5 plonked straight out onto the patio and a comfy rattan chair.

With excellent seeing I managed up to 178x with a Vixen SLV 4mm. The planet displayed a shadow phase in the western limb and hints of Mare Acidalium(?). I wasn't expecting much but nonetheless, considering the current size of Mars in the sky and using a 4" telescope I was happy with those observations for starters. I had a few breaks, sitting back and despite the bright sky enjoyed the naked eye view of Pleiades, Hyades and Orion. Sirius popping out from behind the neighbouring houses topped off the autumnal atmosphere.

At 5.30am the kit was packed up as Mars drifted into a dispersing aircraft contrail... A nice peaceful ninety minutes.

Simply the best time of day , early morning at this time of year when it's clear .. I'm a bit annoyed that I didn't make the effort , especially as I planned to do so this weekend . I really need a manual az mount though as I reckon the neighbours would have been annoyed at a motorised mount whirring . Great report , and a reminder that astronomy can be simple and relaxing and rewarding without electronic gadgets  . 

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7 hours ago, Ags said:

I was out shooting sequences of Jupiter tonight, but there were a few naked-eye visual treats. Jupiter and the Moon were very close together in the sky, and I saw Mars for the first time this year, much to my surprise. Instantly recognizable and very red - but it was twinkling so I knew seeing in that direction was quite bad. I couldn't resist a couple of quick processes of the data to see if all was ok before going to bed...


I need Mars higher and closer for my C6, but happy to capture a bit of detail already despite the liquid seeing.

Great images  👍  @Ags

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8 hours ago, Felias said:

Nice! I also spotted them from the rather polluted Canterbury city centre, so I couldn't help taking a picture from the living room. Double exposure, with a Samyang 135, merged in PS -and oversharpened for Instagram. ☺️


When zooming in, one can see Ganymede before eclipsing:


Excellent image, well done there. Can clearly see Ganymede. Unfortunately poorly youngest child here last night so no observing for me though I did spot how close Jupiter was to the Moon. Nice view through the window! 

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9 hours ago, Ags said:

I was out shooting sequences of Jupiter tonight, but there were a few naked-eye visual treats. Jupiter and the Moon were very close together in the sky, and I saw Mars for the first time this year, much to my surprise. Instantly recognizable and very red - but it was twinkling so I knew seeing in that direction was quite bad. I couldn't resist a couple of quick processes of the data to see if all was ok before going to bed...


I need Mars higher and closer for my C6, but happy to capture a bit of detail already despite the liquid seeing.

Super images. Mars in particular despite the seeing conditions. 👍

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I obtained my best image of Jupiter so far showing the Great Red Spot last night, Europa can also be seen close to the Jovian disc, just before the commencement of the transit.

Also imaged Mars, not much detail visible, suspect as others have mentioned, possible dust storm activity reducing detail.

Image taken through my Esprit 150, ZWO ASI 462 Planetary Camera, 2.5x Powermate, Baader UV/IR Cut Filter.


Jupiter 2_25_A Reprocessed.jpg




Mars 2_25_A2.jpg



Edited by johnturley
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5 minutes ago, Astro_Dad said:

Isn’t the Celestron Evolution mount capable of manual use? (unlike the NexStar versions?). 

Indeed it is , but , i find it a bit of a pain to use in manual mode , I am looking at maybe another skytee 2 mount , then I can get another long frac to put on the other side lol 👍

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