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Io transiting Jupiter tonight


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For those with clear skies, Io will start transiting Jupiter around 2245 with a shadow ~2330. GRS should also be visible. Fingers crossed the sky will stay clear; Dob will be out soon to cool down.

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It's technically clear according to BBC and Metoffice but only because they don't count high cloud as proper cloud. Transparency really poor and seeing, as others have said, wobbly. But looking forward to the transit nonetheless. Going to be using the Startravel 150, not the ED100 or C6.....madness but i love it. 

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Jupiter has just risen over my neighbours roofline so I'll be able to catch the start of Io's transit.

Seeing here is so-so. Not great conditions for seeing the actual moon's disk against the Jovian cloud tops. The shadow of Io, when it moves onto the disk, should be straight forward I think.


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I just saw Io 'disappearing' at the face of Jupiter, pretty amazing, my first time. Seeing is horrible; I cannot see the Io disk and no sign of GRS yet; i can just make thick orange brown lines dancing all over. Haze is getting worst but it should be ok to see the shadow at 2330 or so.

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7 minutes ago, PeterStudz said:

I’ve been observing from Southampton to. But like others seeing is horrible, although I can make out the GRS. Signs of high cloud increasing too. Fingers crossed.

Yes cloud starting to increase in Eastleigh. Seeing is pretty dire but getting some very short good moments.

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Seeing is "challenging" here as well. I can just about make out the GRS and 4 cloud belts with my 130mm refractor. As Io moved onto Jupiter's disk I was able to track it as a bright spot against the jovian equatorial zone for the first 10-15 minutes of the transit, probably due to the limb darkening effect. I have not been able see Io's disk for the past few minutes.

For a while 200x was working quite nicely but lately the seeing and transparency have worsened a little more so I've dropped back to 171x.

If it was not for this unfolding transit event I would probably have packed the scope away !


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It is a semi virtual / live observing session tonight, getting the updates on what's going on from different seeing conditions from other parts of the country. I quite enjoy it but I would rather had nice seeing!

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Hi I set up my 102 f9.8 refractor at 7.30 ash and Jupiter was good  and I could see all four moons and good banding but after a while  the Moon appeared.

The seeing for Jupiter was still good but high cloud arrived and  I called it a night at approximately 9.00pm

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I've been watching it a bit from Derby. With my 105mm refractor.

Seeing is pretty grim here as well (surprise surprise)

It seemed a bit better earlier on before Io reached the limb, and i could make out the GRS pretty well.

I've been half blinded by the moon a few times as well....🤫


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Glad it’s not just me with rubbish seeing! I’ve just had a couple of minutes of better stuff, GRS is visible most of the time but just now I was seeing the separation to the SEB. There seem to be two dark knots on top of the NEB too. I saw Io onto the disk but lost it fairly soon afterwards. Hoping to hang in there to see the shadow transit start at least, not long now.

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The seeing has improved a bit here so I'm back at 200x again :icon_biggrin:

Surface detail on Jupiter is clearer including a couple of nice barges on the northern edge of the north equatorial belt. Despite better seeing I've not been able to see Io's disk for a while now.

If this seeing remains stable the shadow transit should look nice 🤞

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