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The Floor Strikes Back and A New Hope

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21 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

What do you think of the stock focuser in the DZ, Mike? Have you kept it?

Yes, I think its very good. Certainly good enough for visual observing!  With my DC I used a Tak MEF-3 micro focuser, but with the DZ I haven't felt the need to add one. I may fit a Moreblue micro focuser sometime in the future as they are cheaper than the MEF-3, but I don't need one. I have a Baader helical focuser on my BBHS prism which is good for fine focusing on double stars at high power, but its not really necessary. 

The pic shows the helical focuser attached to the prism. The extender Q I sold, as the DZ doesn't really need it.


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9 hours ago, Commanderfish said:

The end of the world.

Grim. Horrible. So glad it's insured though and you can enjoy planning your replacement (and we can enjoy watching you spend the insurance money! :)).

I have to say that dovetail clamps give me the jitters...every single time I use them. Having experienced something similar and got away with it, my set up routine now includes extensive up and down 'wiggling' of the scope while I do the clamps up - surprising how often I can get another slight turn on the bolts with an additional wiggle or two! I then use a torch to sight along the clamp to make sure it is properly seated. A bit over-cautious perhaps, but when there's 7kg of scope hanging off the end, there's my toes to consider too! I have to say I quite like the 'traditional' clamps with a big bolt and a smaller bolt at an angle which 'digs in' to dovetail and prevents slippage. I can live with a scarred dovetail. The double bolt ADMs are pretty awesome too though.

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Oh man, what a disaster – my commiserations! I feel somewhat guilty being in possession of your 4.5" frac now, but I'm glad you've got insurance covering at least part of it and it sounds as though this has only deepened your commitment to your burgeoning relationship with fluorite.

After The Floor Strikes Back and A New Hope, I look forward to seeing the third and final instalment:

Return of The Takahashi

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I found my 10 micron's mount clamp was difficult to tighten sufficiently and it also seemed to relax as it got cold. Lovely polished silver knobs but completely useless for gripping tight. 

When I first started using it I managed to catch a large refractor sliding out. I now always put a safety tether on my scopes - the sort used for stage lighting. It loops round the front of the clamp and through the back of the tube rings, preventing a complete slide out. My Paramounts grip better, but I still do it as an insurance policy.

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Just read this... that’s really sad thing to happen and I can only imagine how awful this would be 😬

Glad you are covered by insurance and wish you luck choosing the replacement scope 🤞

I think we’ll all be double checking both our tube clamp and dovetail clamping much more closely from now on...

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12 minutes ago, HollyHound said:

Just read this... that’s really sad thing to happen and I can only imagine how awful this would be 😬

Glad you are covered by insurance and wish you luck choosing the replacement scope 🤞

I think we’ll all be double checking both our tube clamp and dovetail clamping much more closely from now on...

Too right! I once had a slider, but it stopped before the dovetail completely got loose, so all was well. In any case it wouldn’t have been a complete disaster as was an SCT, not a Tak. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to update:

AXA paid out in full (minus excess) for replacement of the FC100-DC and other damaged bits.  FYI if you don't have sales receipts they do accept original packaging or user manuals as proof of purchase, so do keep those boxes if you are not already in the habit of doing so!

A week or so ago I ordered an FC100-DF from FLO as my replacement.  My logic is that I would like the longer focuser reach and also the stock Tak blue focuser over the black Feathertouch focusers. I decided to go for the DF over the DZ for the slightly lower DF weight and shorter in-use length, plus of course the price and availability.

I will see how the DF focuser (Sky 90 focuser) works out, but given that it gets better reviews than the DC focuser I might leave it completely stock.  The DC focuser is pretty good so the DF ought to be fine for visual.  If I do want to upgrade in future for fine focusing at high powers, it will be to the FT micro-pinion.   I'm going to stick with my alu Hercules rings and a new alu dovetail as I still prefer those over the Tak clamshell.  Clamp on the offending mount has been upgraded to twin knob-non-marring.

UK Stock: as of about 10 days ago, Widescreen Centre had one DC in stock (a little over priced IMO) with no other FC100s due til November this year.  FLO have one DC and two DFs due in July, though I've already bought one of those two DFs.  FLO are looking at November for the DZ model. RVO have some DC/DF due around July probably.  If you want one I'd email FLO/RVO soon because I can see the July shipments being sold before they arrive.

I'll likely be stripping the DC for parts; it's the objective that was a total loss.  PM me if you want anything; it's the latest model with Tak blue parts.  I still have the original triple box!

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Well the cost of repairing the damaged one exceeds the cost of replacement of the entire scope.  Also lets face it, the money was in the destroyed Flourite objective lens!


Edited by Commanderfish
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Great result with the insurance @Commanderfish and IMO a wise choice with the DF as a replacement.
Initially I was happy with the stock focuser on my FC-100DL but after a year or so I felt I needed that extra bit in the fine focus dept and went for the FT pinion upgrade, so far haven’t regretted it at all! 

Edited by jock1958
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Sad news. I am sure you will like the DF. Good strong focuser. If you want a bit more focal length in future the EX Q1.6 works well with it. Whereby hangs a tale (or tail!).

When I first mounted my DF I bolted the tube clamp direct to the mount and that is a very safe fixing as the tube can only slip so far, even when loose for balancing. With the Q and binoviewer I needed more travel to get  balance and changed to a dovetail bar and clamp. Clamp has 2 screws but I will be adding stop bolts on the bar NOW. The Tak (Vixen) bar has end plates so adding a bolt is easy, they should come like that!

Next day: have added cap head stop bolts as picture. (not so easy! what look like c/s screws are plated brass with tops peened over or loctited? so drilled out and tapped for M5). Next step is to make the Tak tube clamp screw semi captive so it cant slip off.



Edited by Stephenstargazer
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  • 4 months later...

Someone may come back to this instructive tale.

So , eventually!, I have got round to putting a safety on the Takahashi clamp. A simple push fit but enough to prevent the clamshell coming open so the scope can slide but not drop out. At the same time I have fitted a handle courtesy of Vixen. Attaches to the existing 1/4" UNC tap on the Tak clamp but it does require two small notches filing into the clamshell so that the handle sits flush and will not turn. Will have to buy some touch up paint, though it does not really show and is worth the peace of mind when mounting and dismounting the scope.

Note the the Vixen handle comes with an M6 screw that you need to change to 1/4 UNC, but it is a strong fixing that works well on their much larger  VMC/VC series scopes as well as refractors.





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