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Clearest night so far and so I took a wander up the road with the bins and still not quite there frustratingly. The moon certainly didn’t help but I can get very close but it’s still a little low on the horizon where it typically gets washed out with pollution.

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Just had a look at the nova, and definitely spotted it with the big 16x80 binoculars. Initially M52 was quite hard to spot, but as my eyes got more dark adapted, it stood out quite distinctly in averted vision. I could clearly spot the nova nearby, with the aid of a couple of the images in this thread. That's my third nova bagged

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Had another look at the nova tonight with the 10x50s. The moonlight hindered a bit but the star was easily found with the help of some averted vision. I even spotted M52 as a ghostly glow.

I got the feeling the nova was a tiny bit dimmer than yesterday.

It's a lot of fun to follow the developments night after night. It reminds me of my observations of the naked-eye nova in Delphinus in 2013.

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I observed it yesterday (25 March) and it seemed of equal brightness as the nearby SAO 20625 which is mag 7.9. It was a bit hazy and with moonlight its hard to judge precisely. Seems stable for the past several days.

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5 hours ago, Nik271 said:

I observed it yesterday (25 March) and it seemed of equal brightness as the nearby SAO 20625 which is mag 7.9. It was a bit hazy and with moonlight its hard to judge precisely. Seems stable for the past several days.

That was my impression too. They looked like a fairly close but still clearly resolved binary with near equal components in my 16x80 bins

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Surprisingly clear here tonight. I’m up early in the morning so initially just tried with 10x50 binos and couldn’t be certain I’d got it. I then popped the little Telementor out and found the rhombus quickly in the finder, and then found the nova quite easily.

To my eye it looks the same brightness as HD220770 again ie still about mag 7.8. Good to have seen it again.

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Nice and clear here at the moment - I've measured it at 7.9 this evening (no filter).. @JeremyS do you know if there are any expectations out there as to how long it will remain in outburst, given its brightness is it more likely to be days/weeks rather than months/years?


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Solid cloud a light drizzle here so definitely no magnitude comparisons going on here tonight :rolleyes2:

It's supposed to clear from around 1 am so I might get a chance then, if I feel like waiting up.


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2 minutes ago, John said:

It's supposed to clear from around 1 am so I might get a chance then, if I feel like waiting up.


We look forward to the report in a few hours then. 😀

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Was beautifully clear at 9pm and now foggy at 10pm! I was about to start boasting of 4 clear nights in a week!

Supposed to be clear at 3am, here. I won't be staying up.

However, can I ask how people are measuring the magnitude of the nova? Is it purely by comparison? And if so, how can one be so precise down to a decimal point?



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1 minute ago, Pixies said:

However, can I ask how people are measuring the magnitude of the nova? Is it purely by comparison? And if so, how can one be so precise down to a decimal point?

I use AstroImageJ or ASTAP depending on my mood. As long as the star isn't overexposed (clipped) and you have some comparison stars in frame which aren't clipped either you can use the software to measure. ASTAP can do it automatically and AsttroImageJ is manual (you need to select comparison stars and enter the magnitude).

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30 minutes ago, John said:

Unless I doze off !!!

Wide awake now - It's cleared earlier than predicted !

And my report is ....... it looks pretty much the same to my eye as it has for the past few nights :icon_biggrin:

Nice to see it again anyway.


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46 minutes ago, 7170 said:

Nice and clear here at the moment - I've measured it at 7.9 this evening (no filter).. @JeremyS do you know if there are any expectations out there as to how long it will remain in outburst, given its brightness is it more likely to be days/weeks rather than months/years?


Likely days or few weeks.

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11 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

I have a chance on Monday night of getting to see it weather depending but signs are good.

Has anyone any up to date information on it's current brightness?

I'm hoping to get out tonight and image it. Of course, full moon is going to make luminance imaging difficult. I'm going to try both Lum and Ha since I have a good stack of both filters. I'm hoping I can create a blink gif from it.

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1 hour ago, bomberbaz said:

I have a chance on Monday night of getting to see it weather depending but signs are good.

Has anyone any up to date information on it's current brightness?

It seems to have been fairly consistent at magnitude 7.7 - 7.9 or thereabouts for the past week.

Very cloudy here tonight so I won't be able to check up on it this evening.


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2 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

I have a chance on Monday night of getting to see it weather depending but signs are good.

Has anyone any up to date information on it's current brightness?

Visual obs I’ve seen in the last few hours have it ~8.1. Looks like there has been a slight fade in the last 24 h

Keep looking!

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Earlier it was looking like it would clear up enough to potentially view this evening but in the last half and hour the cloud has thickened so I've closed up. Fingers crossed for Monday evening.

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