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Rosette and the Bok globules animal parade


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Hello guys.

First of all I would like to thank @ampleamp for selling me the incredible Chroma filters that I've been dreaming about since I started mono imaging.

This is the first narrowband image that I produced with these filters and I want to say that I'm absolutely in love with them.

As my first target I chose something that I always tried to get a good result of, but didn't quite get something that I would be pleased with.

Now can finally say that this is it, I've done, it and I love it.

So here is the Rosette and the beautiful animal parade.

The total imaging time is 6 hours , an integration time that I never thought could produce something like this from my bortle 7 back garden.

39x300sec and 1x600sec Ha

10x300sec Oiii

10x300sec Sii

all with a ASI294MM and my AT106 triplet refractor at 690mm f6.5

I'm very pleased with the result and I hope that you will like it too.




Edited by emyliano2000
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4 minutes ago, CCD-Freak said:

Were you binned 1x1 for this image?   I am considering the ASI294MM-Pro



No, I'm not planning on using the bin 1x1 on my main rig as I would be greatly oversampled and my seeing is not that good. I might use the bin1x1 for my lenses though. 

I sit very nicely at 1.38"/px with my AT106 and I love it 😁


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Thank you guys, I'm really glad you like it and appreciate your kind words. 

22 minutes ago, Spongey said:

Great first light for these filters! I'm guessing that you're no longer getting the Antlia 3nm Pros now? :D

Well, I guess not 😁

Who can say no to chroma? Alastair was too kind to sell them to me 🙂

Zoltan wasn't very happy when I told him. Did you get yours yet? He rang me after I told him I won't get them anymore and he said that he has the Ha and Sii but the Oiii will come at a later date?


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6 minutes ago, emyliano2000 said:

Who can say no to chroma? Alastair was too kind to sell them to me 🙂

Zoltan wasn't very happy when I told him. Did you get yours yet? He rang me after I told him I won't get them anymore and he said that he has the Ha and Sii but the Oiii will come at a later date?


I can't say I blame you!

I haven't got them yet, no. Based on their website they have got the Ha and Sii in stock, both of which I have ordered in 36mm unmounted. It looks like they have 1.25" Oiii Pro but no other sizes yet. I've sent an email to enquire about the Oiii but no response yet.

Although, even if I do receive them this week I'm yet to have a camera to test them with!


Edited by Spongey
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27 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Beautiful Rosette!

Thank you Martin! 


28 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Do your flats look "normal"?

Indeed the ha and sii flats look horrible. The flats with the Ha filter on the 294MC were very similar to what I'm getting with the mono and it took me quite a while to find some good settings for the flats to correct properly so I applied the same settings to the mono and it works great. 

I'm aiming for a mean ADU value of around 25k and an exposure for the flats between 2 and 5 seconds. 

This works great and the stack came out very clean. 


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3 hours ago, Nik271 said:

Thank you for this fantastic image! I made it my desktop background for this week, to me it looks almost Hubble-like quality.

I made it a wallpaper too :)


1 hour ago, david_taurus83 said:

Love the level of detail on the 'animals'. Great image and only 6 hours as well! Can't believe its got less than an hour each of oxygen and sulphur.

Thank you. I was quite surprised myself to be honest. I think I chose the perfect target for my first light :)


3 hours ago, ampleamp said:

What an excellent image and you didn’t take long to use them

Thank you :)

I got to use them the night after I got them , I can't believe how lucky I was to have a clear night :)


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