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Hi all, 

Newbie here just wanting to say hi! (Kind of a newbie, had a telescope nearly 20 years ago now!)

Looking to get into AP (from being a landscape togger!) & came across the forum having spent multiple days, hours, weeks surfing the net & watching you tube videos on equipment & scopes & everything else!

Heres hoping to learn a lot & maybe at some point be able to provide some advice back - who knows!


Keep well





Edited by Neila1975
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Hi Neil,

Welcome to SGL. It is a good time to get into AP, weather aside. Today there is a lot of choice with; cameras, optical equipment, mounts, capture and processing software. In fact so much choice that the first major challenge is determining what components support your individual needs. 

This forum will provide access to a lot of knowledgeable people who will be able to support you in your first steps and beyond. Enjoy the journey.

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