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Streetlight Issue Result

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Afternoon all,

not really sure where to put this post but thought it might be useful for others to know and may help other people.

So when I moved into my house I knew the huge streetlight outside would cause issues with my telescope hobby, but we moved anyway.

the lamp used to be an older sodium type (really amber / yellow light) and a light pollution filter took away most of the issue. However it was recently upgraded to LED which is great, uses less energy, bulbs last long etc etc, however it caused significant light into my view.

i contacted my local council a few weeks ago and to my surprise they took the request seriously and have today fitted a shield over the lamp to stop stray light going into my garden.

how effective this is remains to be seen in darker skies, but it will defiantly do something to help so I am pleased.

I thought I would post a couple of photos of a before and after plus what it was like at night previously. The dot in the sky to the left of the bulb is in the night photo is actually Jupiter.





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1 minute ago, banjaxed said:

Nice to know that some councils take astronomy seriously, great result.

It might not be them specifically taking astronomy seriously, but light pollution is still pollution and annoying to everyone. Plus showering areas of light where it is not wanted or needed is waste of energy, increases carbon footprint etc... - all things that councils should be legally obliged to act on.

Still a good result.

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Thank you Andy for posting. I think this is a good 'reference' post.
There have been instances of councils backing away from shields. Got to do a structural survey for wind loading and all that bovine excreta.
Just one of many excuses they use.
The more we can show (by waving this post and others like it) that some listen and take action, the easier it gets for the rest of us.

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I honestly thought I would never hear anything or it would just drop down some black hole within the council. Especially given the current Covid 19 climate. I think it will make a big difference to my viewing and looking forward to seeing when it’s dark.

genuienly hope it is useful or encourages others to ask questions of their councils.

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That's a good result, it's a shame you don't have part night lighting like here in Essex - it's great when they all go off. Only issue is when they are all off and you go past houses that have front activated lights and they then blind you as it is so relatively dark! 

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Would be interested to see an after post to see what sort of impact its had! We have one at the front of our house which is quite bright and I've considered contacting the council before. I tend to observe from the back garden predominantly so haven't bothered yet.

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45 minutes ago, procky1845 said:

Would be interested to see an after post to see what sort of impact its had! We have one at the front of our house which is quite bright and I've considered contacting the council before. I tend to observe from the back garden predominantly so haven't bothered yet.

I will take one and upload it

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21 minutes ago, Colossal Plossl said:

I actually filed a light pollution issue with my council.  Hopefully they will do the same.  Same light type LED.  


Wow that’s worse than the moon! Hopefully you get a decent result. Of course I may be kidding myself and the shield do next to nothing when it’s dark later 😆

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I have a theory. Not about dinosaurs, but light shielding after led streetlight upgrades... 😉

I was also successful at getting a shield fitted after a streetlight led upgrade, and I dealt with a department of the company who did the upgrades for the council. I reckon that part of their contract says that they have to resolve any initial light pollution issues, which they are well equipped to do. 

However, if you raise a complaint that doesn't coincide with the upgrade, I think you then deal directly with the council, who are much less likely to spend the extra money fitting a shield.

Does anyone else's experience match this? 

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6 hours ago, adyj1 said:

However, if you raise a complaint that doesn't coincide with the upgrade, I think you then deal directly with the council, who are much less likely to spend the extra money fitting a shield.

Does anyone else's experience match this? 

Initially I was passed about a bit by county council, local council, but in the end it was my parish council that sorted it, once I got a contact it took about 4 weeks. I even had the lighting contractor knock on the door and ask what I needed so he understood the problem fully.

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Wow I thought the little bit of light that gets into my garden was bad but looking at these photos I guess I can call myself lucky. There is someone about a street away that has an outside light high up on a pole that when on spills light into my extension. This is ok ish from a photography point of view it does ruin my night vision if I happen to look that was. I have had a walk round to see where the light was coming from and their neighbours must be very tolerant as the light was blazing away like the sun, lighting up their garden like it was the day time. Don't understand people like this. Ok if your sat out then yes have the lights on, but why have them on when your inside??? Helps the burglars locate the doors and windows I suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I moved into my place 5 years ago I asked the local parish council if they could shield the sodium street light as it shone backwards into my garden.

A letter to the PC and then I attended a meeting to explain why and they did it within a couple of weeks.

I am now on the PC an on the committee that looks at lighting issues in the village, they other PC members know of my interest as I regularly post astro images on the village Face Book site.

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