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The curse of the comet!

maw lod qan

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So, when Neowise made it around the sun, being visible in the mornings, we had an unusual opposite weather pattern. 

The winds came in off the Gulf, giving us morning clouds and showers.

Now, when it goes to being an early evening sight, our weather goes back to normal with Easterly winds, thunderstorms and heavy rain just before sunset. It takes till almost midnight for the clouds to clear!

If this doesn't change, I'll only have viewed it once and that was with binos!

I wish I had a clue to what I did to someone in a previous life.

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5 minutes ago, maw lod qan said:

So, when Neowise made it around the sun, being visible in the mornings, we had an unusual opposite weather pattern. 

The winds came in off the Gulf, giving us morning clouds and showers.

Now, when it goes to being an early evening sight, our weather goes back to normal with Easterly winds, thunderstorms and heavy rain just before sunset. It takes till almost midnight for the clouds to clear!

If this doesn't change, I'll only have viewed it once and that was with binos!

I wish I had a clue to what I did to someone in a previous life.

It is fairly horrible for me here in Bulgaria, last year at this time I was on Clear day 17 for June, this June I have had 1, and I didn't know of the comet back on the 3rd.


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Attached for  approx 00:15 tonight

Use Ursa Major as a finder you already use the bowl stars to locate M81-M82 use the other two bowl stars to take you towards Neowise...

Really great sight in bins.

Neowise finder.jpg

Edited by fwm891
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1 hour ago, fwm891 said:


Attached for  approx 00:15 tonight

Use Ursa Major as a finder you already use the bowl stars to locate M81-M82 use the other two bowl stars to take you towards Neowise...

Really great sight in bins.

Neowise finder.jpg

Not much chance... 


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I saw it for the first time at 1am this morning. It was well worth trudging across the field at the end of my road for what was a fantastic sight. I immediately went back home to get my DLSR and tripod, I failed miserably to capture any images, it had been so long since I'd used the camera in manual mode I couldn't remember how to adjust exposure ect 😊

Anyway I've spent time today re-learning my camera so I'm ready for the next opportunity.

To be honest I wasn't expecting much but was totally captivated by it's amazing tail 😲  

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I saw it a week ago - that was the first clear night in 4 weeks. I get very cross when people living 50 miles north or south of me seem to get much better weather. But the conveyor belt of bad weather off the Atlantic just seems to go straight over here. There is meant to be a green window tomorrow night...

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saw it for the first time last night 11PM in the binos, was hoping for another look tonight but is looking like cloud will cover the area it'd show in. Same for the SE where I was hoping for another look at Jupiter and Saturn. C'est la vie...

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I saw it for the first time last night too.

I have tall hedges and trees on my northern horizon, so I only had a tiny area at the back of my garden where I could get line of sight. 

I missed Hale Bopp 24 years ago, and I was worried that if I didn't see this one, then I might never get the chance again.  Anyway,  I've now seen a comet with my own eyes - very happy.



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for me it's houses and trees but luckily it appeared between the neighbour's and the block backing onto the gardens from the parallel road. Luckily we're near the top of the hill so the obstructions diminish downwards 🙂 



Was lucky enough to see Hale-bop back then too, from blackheath common if I recall.


Looks tonight tho it's totally clouded up in the NW-N area for me :(

Edited by DaveL59
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I've been pretty lucky here on the Herts and Essex borders. Must have had four or five good nights at it over the past 10 days. Binoculars is all you need for a great view, the tail is pretty spectacular. I don;t have a wide view lens for my scope unfortunately but not sure how much better it can get than bins in real time.

Edited by AndyPandy
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15 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

I wish I had a clue to what I did to someone in a previous life.


Are there any more 'on the horizon' in prospect in the near future to curse our weather patterns ? Even a telescopic one can receive the wrath of the rain gods.

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Been reasonable here but only went out this Friday/Saturday night and the previous one.

Here in the garden north is mostly obstructed but Friday it was high enough to give an hour window
between next doors trees.

Even in the LP after twilight it was fantastic, massive tail unaided, I'm happy to see one really good comet.

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I have started my 3 day work week this morning, but being I go to bed at 7pm on the nights before, that shot last night in the foot!

And of course at 9pm, when I answered an unusual nature call, it looked clear outside!! 

My next real chance will be Tuesday evening.

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Neowise has caused quite a stir and quite rightly so.

It has fired up folks to get out and observe in my astro club, which is most heartening as the clubs Observing Director.

Hale Bopp got me fired up and Astro focused fully from then on, although a Moon looker before that.

I hope Neowise does the same and feeds in new blood to the observing side as well as more imaging of course, but I am observing biased as that’s what I do.

Good luck on no cloud again to those who have not seen this fine sight as of yet.

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I've managed to see and image it twice a week ago then it's been cloudy since. Hopefully tonight and tomorrow is supposed to be clear. First time imaging a bright comet with a DSLR. This is what I got. Pretty pleased as it'll be another 6,800 yrs before it comes back, lol.


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