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New member returning to the hobby after a L..O..N..G time


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I just wanted to check in and say hi from Berkshire! I'm returning to the hobby after a 20 year break and wow things have moved on a bit in that time, especially in the area of astrophotography that I am particularly interested in. I still have my original fork mounted Celestron C8+, a couple of eyepieces and a very dated Starlight Xpress HX516 so have everything technically needed to get back into the hobby but fancied a bit of an upgrade to rekindle the interest so... I've invested in a new HEQ5 Pro Go-To mount from FLO to make thing easier (awaiting delivery) and will use my DSLR in place of the HX516 for now while I save up for a more appropriate/modern refractor & probably a ZWO camera at some point in the future.

I look forward to being a member of this great community, you've already been so useful without knowing it from the lurking I've been doing whilst trying to get up-to-speed again and I look forward to chatting with you all soon.

Clear Skies!


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Hi - I'm a recent returner as well. I've got an old (40 year old) C8 somewhere in the garage, and a 10" f/6.3 Newtonian as well.... But I'm starting again. I mostly dropped out 25 years ago. I'm equally amazed at the move in the technology since then.

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