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How do we sell scopes in these New Times?

Alan White

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Ok so a while back @paulastro asked about selling scopes as we started the lockdown.
I said we shouldn't at the time unless posted as interaction was not on, some agreed, some did not.

Anyways, we are 8 weeks is it in and gently easing or not now.
And I still have a10" Dob I wish to sell to help fund a new mount, it's too big and  fragile to post,
but not listing as I just don't know what to do.

As my day job like others here, dealing with this crisis head on everyday,
so I am not encouraging or even proposing any new action, I know the reality all too well.

So as a question, not a bun fight over anything, 
How do we sell scopes in these New Times?

Your thoughts please.

Edited by Alan White
typos of course
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I see no reason why you could not ask for it to be collected, as long as it's all paid for first. You could take it outside for collection when they are due to arrive. People are allowed to drive any distance apparently now.


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6 minutes ago, PeterCPC said:

I see no reason why you could not ask for it to be collected, as long as it's all paid for first. You could take it outside for collection when they are due to arrive. People are allowed to drive any distance apparently now.


This is how I got my self centering eyepiece holder , I went to the guys house he placed the item outside then stayed back I picked it up and left the money once he was happy I left , he did show me his Astrophotography set up at a safe distance , so can be done , sell as collection only due to price get your money first then place item out side so they can pick up , I have sold 4 helicopters this way over lock down 

Edited by Neil H
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Keep distance - a few meters, wear protective gear - mask and wash hands afterwards?

Given the current stats in UK, probability of random person having infection is very low - about 1/3 of a percent.

As long as both parties involved understand that certain behavior and protection is required - there is minimal possibility of anything going wrong.


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I sold my 10" dob a few weeks back. Had it all set up in the garden for the buyer to take a look at. Social distancing in full effect.

Paid for by bank transfer. 

Seemed to work well.

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I have stuff delivered to my house most days. If its from my office, I just unwrap the postage bag and put it straight in the bin then wash my hands as prescribed. 

I have just ordered two weights from Modern Astronomy. When they arrive, I will preform the same ritual. Wearing my disposable gloves. Open up, throw away the wrapping. The weights will be wiped down and put away in the garage until needed. Then I will wash my hands. So far so good :)

As to selling, I agree with above...Just keep to social distancing and if possible wear disposable gloves and face mask. Wash hands immediately afterwards.

Good luck :)


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The only issue I have with it is dependant on your layout I'd have to leave equipment in front garden for prospective buyers to inspect ... Being in Essex I'd be worries that they'd just grab it and run 😄

I can safely say I wouldn't chase them !

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I will ponder these answers as I really want to put the dob up again, but of course now not dark anymore.

But in my heart I know encouraging movement and interaction still feels wrong to me.
This is because the family are Key Workers, 3 are frontline, so possibly too close to the frontline to be objective.
We have all seen too much, experienced too much and seen to much utter stupidity.

The comment that made me laugh as its so true was:

20 hours ago, knobby said:

Being in Essex I'd be worries that they'd just grab it and run 😄
I can safely say I wouldn't chase them !

Again, not inflammatory or designed to cause argument or offence to those who have honestly answered me question,
and again, I thank you all for your input.


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On 21/05/2020 at 16:26, Bobby1970 said:

I sold my 10" dob a few weeks back. Had it all set up in the garden for the buyer to take a look at. Social distancing in full effect.

Paid for by bank transfer. 

Seemed to work well.

I can't see any issue with that style of transaction, or even as I did, parked two cars boot to boot and I transferred the stuff from my car to his. Exchanging distant waves and smiles as we drove off.

Alan, very little interaction and it's highly unlikely someone will travel a huge distance to collect your dob. Pulling figures out of thin air, probably 99% less risk than shopping! Maybe even stipulate local only buyers. Conscience clear. No harm done.

However, if you're not desperate for the cash, just wait. 


Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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It feels (to me) so wrong that someone may drive a long way to pick up something, and I can't even invite them in for a cuppa, chat and demo the kit.
That is the courtesy that has usually been extended to me when I have been buying.

I have a couple of large items to sell, but will wait until things ease off a bit.
If things are not significantly improved by the autumn, then I will think again about how they can be safely moved on.

Anything small enough for a parcel, is though no problem for post/UPS/whoever.

Strange times for us all.



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