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This lot is showing up in Stellarium



EDIT: I don't think these are the Starlink satellites. They are still showing in the same place in Stellarium, so must be geo-stationary but co-incidentally aligned with the Starlink trains trajectory. Goes to show how many are up there.

Edited by parallaxerr
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I am appalled.  They are SO bright. Our big corporations have destroyed the earth for profit.  Now they have destroyed our skies.  And no-one can stop them.  What next?  McDonalds adverts flying over the earth a hundred miles out?

Edited by Hallingskies
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5 minutes ago, JamesF said:

I believe they're about to launch a load more, too :(


The target is 12,000 in total with a possible extension to 42,000 !

The Earth now has a ring.....

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4 minutes ago, StargeezerTim said:

They are weird... what do they do?

They let Cathy1988 send cat pictures to her friends on Facebook a little bit faster.  Well worth destroying the timeless beauty of the night sky for.

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2 minutes ago, John said:

Just been watching them passing beneath Leo. Dozens of the things and brighter than I was expecting as well.


For a moment, when I first noticed them, I was considering PM'ing you John to confirm I wasn't going mad as you're the closest astronomer I know of observing similar horizons to my own!

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7 minutes ago, kirkster501 said:

its wrecking my M100 shoot! :) 

I was planning M100 tonight too!  Luckily I grabbed a bit the other night.


Will they always follow the same track across the sky?  Or will it be more like ISS which isn't always visible?

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4 minutes ago, Hallingskies said:

I am appalled.  They are SO bright. Our big corporations have destroyed the earth for profit.  Now they have destroyed our skies.  And no-one can stop them.  What next?  McDonalds adverts flying over the earth a hundred miles out?

The first batch launched a few months ago was invisible to the naked eye quite soon, not really sure about these though. They seem a lot brighter from what I can see.

It's kind of mesmerising to watch them pass over. They're not all equally spaced, some are 'out of line' and some are clearly slower than the rest.

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Sorry. I have just registered to post here now ... What the hell was that ? I am not really a stargazer but I loved astronomy I tend to look up the sky from time to time. I have not seen anything like that before ?!? I am in London and just went out to close the garden shed when I saw this regular line of bright objects crossing the sky from West to East ...

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I saw them tonight for the first time as well, bloody Christmas lights in the sky, so many and so bright, luckily, I'm still after imaging M81 and 82, but trying to find a due South star to align to when everything is moving is like being a drunk student again.

Anyone have an energy ray weapon handy?



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I'm sorry for the tittle but I have just witnessed a train of sat's run by without a care what so ever, bang, bang , bang, bang they went by.(lost count after 12) Totally blown away by what I have seen., STOP At what point do we see this as progression for humanity or continual sucker that we are for POWER.  At what point does Space X aka Elon understand what IT is trying to achieve, it' undermining the basics of our need to look at the greater cosmos  from our humble back garden.


Edited by Cornelius Varley
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Hi guys, I’ve actually just seen what I had been reading about I can’t believe it!

Im in London and from the south west going to the north east about 30mins ago I viewed with the naked eye about 17 satellites moving  in a line in succession.

these must be those bloody internet satellites (can’t remember the name)



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Ah .... that's what I was coming in here to ask is that what I've just seen to. Yep, one after another, after another until they spread from horizon to horizon. Not much less bright than the ISS.  Certainly as bright as the main stars. The odd thing I thought was that they were separated by different distances. Some seemed brighter than others and (did I imagine this?) some seemed to traveling at different speeds.  Assuming it was starlink I felt truly sad that our view of the heavens is being despoiled in this way. This is only the beginning too isnt it? 

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