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So, I did something stupid. Impulse bought a Daystar solar scout SS60 DS, what do I need to get going?

Rocket Stars

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Well, Im not sure its "stupid" :) 

As nights soon will be pretty non existent in my part of the world. It might be fun doing some solar. 

It do not come with the accessory kit. So I need a power bank to start with. 

Only camera I have so far. Is a 178C. 

I can not find any info on back focus ect. Or what adaptors may be needed.

 plz. Help a newbie! :)

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I have read up a little. Well, one should have done that to begin with.. :) 

I have seen recommendations about using a ir/uv cut filter, and a tilt adaptor for the camera. 

I assume the ir/cut is additional to the one that is in the sensor window? 

Anyone with real experience that it is needed from start? 



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22 hours ago, Rocket Stars said:

I have read up a little. Well, one should have done that to begin with.. :) 

I have seen recommendations about using a ir/uv cut filter, and a tilt adaptor for the camera. 

I assume the ir/cut is additional to the one that is in the sensor window? 

Anyone with real experience that it is needed from start? 



Using the scout with my 1600mm, i needed a tilt adapter to get rid of newtons rings.
I havent been able to get a clear image at all though, and have just been recommended the IR/UV cut filter - I've ordered one this morning to see.

My advice would be to put the camera in the scope and see what you get...

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2 minutes ago, -Joe_ said:

Using the scout with my 1600mm, i needed a tilt adapter to get rid of newtons rings.
I havent been able to get a clear image at all though, and have just been recommended the IR/UV cut filter - I've ordered one this morning to see.

My advice would be to put the camera in the scope and see what you get...

I will do that! Ty you for your info. 

Have read that when focusing. start to get a sharp edge. Then adjust to see surface or proms. Though. I have zero experience yet! :) (looking forward to use it) 


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First light!! :)

Its very intresting! I did put my Celestron 40mm plössel and diagonal on it. Got the whole disc in field of view. Though, I could not notice any difference regarding turning the tuning knob. 

Tryed to take a picture with the mobile phone. Well.. Im impressed with all of you that can get a decent picture, just holding the phone to the eyepiece!!! :)

Have even tried the camera. With diagonal and without. Moved camera back and forth. Including trying turing the helical focuser. Just pitch black. 





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Finally got something. Backfocus needs sorting. But.. Got an image! :)

Fockus is not very good. Bur noticed I need to turn gain to maximum. Possible maby little lower when settings is more accurate. Did not have time to work the tuning knob. As the sun was going behind the trees for the evening.. Black patch in upper right corner. + some smudges from the lens. I think.. :) 

Here is a image. No processing. Other than saved to jpeg and sized down for the forum. Is it possible to process it, to something better? 

To be solved in hardware. Something to extend the camera further aft. This is close to not being able to stay in the draw tube. Read up about IR/Cut filter. Well, a good one seems to be used. There is one in front of the camera. But maby one should get something better? If, it is better? 



First solar.jpg

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You certainly have more than a hint of fine, solar surface texture. The edge [limb] is acceptably sharp for early practice with new kit.
Familiarity with your equipment will save fiddling when your window of opportunity is tight.
The various spots and smudges are where something is focused on a glass surface somewhere in the system.
Try a rubber bulb, lens blower? Or gently, with a clean, camel hair brush? I really wouldn't worry about it right now. It is purely cosmetic.
I wouldn't worry about filter quality either at this stage. Relax and get more practice in and sort out the mechanical side.
It all needs to fit together safely and reliably and balanced on the mounting to make any real progress.
I'd say you've made a pretty good start to have this image. :thumbsup:

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11 hours ago, Rusted said:

You certainly have more than a hint of fine, solar surface texture. The edge [limb] is acceptably sharp for early practice with new kit.
Familiarity with your equipment will save fiddling when your window of opportunity is tight.
The various spots and smudges are where something is focused on a glass surface somewhere in the system.
Try a rubber bulb, lens blower? Or gently, with a clean, camel hair brush? I really wouldn't worry about it right now. It is purely cosmetic.
I wouldn't worry about filter quality either at this stage. Relax and get more practice in and sort out the mechanical side.
It all needs to fit together safely and reliably and balanced on the mounting to make any real progress.
I'd say you've made a pretty good start to have this image. :thumbsup:

The sun was out for a little while today. Didnt have the time.. 

I have to say, that the sun is very Intresting and fun! Very much looking forward to more timeon this! 👌

Im looking around for a barlow. Eyepice extender. Not really sure what is best for this set up. There is a adapter to get T threds to build on. An adjustable eyepiece would be fun to. Really liked observing the sun. But the cost ads up! 


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  • 8 months later...


There's no mention of a UV/IR filter being required on the 60mm DayStar Scout.


For those without PS you can colour a mono image in Irfanview or any other image/paint package by clicking "Colour correction" and changing the RGB numbers to suit.

I've used R84 G-14 B-114 for Ha and R75 G38 B22 for CaK.




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