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Heads Up!! WL Active region rotating into view!


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Managed a quick look with the Equinox 80 in WL. I could see the AR quite easily. It appeared as a series of light lines, almost tendril like, near the limb. Looks like a good size region. If the weather plays ball then should keep us entertained :) 

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Thanks for the heads up Fozzie, I have had the H-alpha set up today, but not really had a break to get a decent look.  Saw some proms this morning but not much else.

Hopefully there will be a clear spot at lunchtime tomorrow so I can get a look 🤞

Edited by AdeKing
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I just managed a quick look at it in the Tak in a small gap in the cloud, which was rapidly closing as it headed towards the sun! Got about 2 minutes on it, but worth while. Best solar views I’ve had for a while in terms of visible granulation, surprising given the cloud. I found the AR and it does look quite interesting. Two spots clearly visible leading the way and a fair amount of faculae trailing it. Hope we get some more clear spells this week.

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I got a break in the clouds after my last post and managed to get about two minutes in between cooking dinner and breaks in the cloud.

Seeing wasn't great with lots of shimmering and turbulence on the limb. but I did manage to see the faculae, but couldn't see any spots, which surprised me.

Hoping to catch a glimpse over the next few days.


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I need a small frac so i can grab and go like this..


I checked on Helioviewer last night and the spot wasn't visible, however this morning it seems to be there, which is odd..? :icon_scratch:


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Looking good the morning. Seeing a bit variable but still good granulation detail coming through. Three larger spots in the AR, each with darker regions and some penumbral areas I think. One tiny pore in the group too. There is quite a strong wiggly line of faculae running roughly parallel to the limb, plus plenty of other faculae around. Nice to have something to see!

Will keep an eye on it through the day.

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I've managed to have a quick look in both WL and H-alpha this morning and it's looking good.

I could see the spots and faculae in WL this morning but no time to do more than a quick look.

In H-alpha there are a few proms dotted about with some nice tall spikes at about 5 o'clock and the new AR looks to be marked by a dark area.

Will check it until the cloud rolls in.

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1 hour ago, Littleguy80 said:

Great stuff, Stu. Is faculae what I referred to as the tendril like lines?

Yes, they are the brighter white lines, I believe they are depressions in the surface exposing hotter gasses which appear brighter. Think that’s right anyway but could be hog wash 🤣🤣

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13 minutes ago, Stu said:

Yes, they are the brighter white lines, I believe they are depressions in the surface exposing hotter gasses which appear brighter. Think that’s right anyway but could be hog wash 🤣🤣

Thanks Stu. Well I'm convinced. I imagined you saying it in a Brian Cox style to add authenticity ;)

Just had a little peek. I could see two spots, one larger and one smaller and lots of faculae following the behind. Very neat 

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I set up the PST + DS and the Skywatcher 150P with solar filter + IR/UV filter for extra safety.

White Light using 13mm Ethos + ND filter - sunspot easily visible + some granulation

PST + DS - 8-24 TeleVue zoom set at 12mm. There are a number of proms around the edge and on the NW side there is a small filament. Looking at the Sunspot you can see some Plage.

Glad that Fozzie did the heads up.

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1 hour ago, Littleguy80 said:

Thanks Stu. Well I'm convinced. I imagined you saying it in a Brian Cox style to add authenticity ;)

Just had a little peek. I could see two spots, one larger and one smaller and lots of faculae following the behind. Very neat 

Tee hee, I shall have to practise that style of delivery now 🤣. The universe is wunderful..... 🤣🤣

The larger of the two spots splits into two with the right conditions, perhaps the larger aperture is helping me? The tiny pore was pretty hard to spot too but definitely there. Cloudy here right now :( 

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1 minute ago, Stu said:

Tee hee, I shall have to practise that style of delivery now 🤣. The universe is wunderful..... 🤣🤣

The larger of the two spots splits into two with the right conditions, perhaps the larger aperture is helping me? The tiny pore was pretty hard to spot too but definitely there. Cloudy here right now :( 

I think you nailed it 🤣 

I'll have a crack at splitting the larger spot. I'm up to 167x mag with the Nagler zoom so hopefully that'll do it. Still getting some breaks in the cloud here.


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3 hours ago, Littleguy80 said:

I think you nailed it 🤣 

I'll have a crack at splitting the larger spot. I'm up to 167x mag with the Nagler zoom so hopefully that'll do it. Still getting some breaks in the cloud here.


It seems to be changing quite a bit. Checked it through light cloud just now and there appeared to be only one larger spot and one small. Possible that the large one would still  split in two but seeing not good enough, perhaps later on if it clears.

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14 minutes ago, Stu said:

It seems to be changing quite a bit. Checked it through light cloud just now and there appeared to be only one larger spot and one small. Possible that the large one would still  split in two but seeing not good enough, perhaps later on if it clears.

I've had a couple more looks. It seems to have moved round quite a bit over the course of the day. I initially couldn't find it just now because I was looking closer to the limb. Seeing isn't great here. One large spot and one small spot still. I thought I was seeing a different region, for want of a better description, on the leading edge of the larger spot but it didn't appear separated from the main spot as far as I could tell.

This may be a question for another thread, but do binoviewers make much difference to the detail you can see? Knowing you use binoviewers, I was wondering if seeing the "cell like" granulation would come more easily with binoviewers or if it's simply a question of aperture?

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Hello all. Just got 15 mins worth of blue sky. 
Out quickly with my Stellarvue 102 frac and Herschel wedge.  ES 8.8mm x80 mag. 
Spots x2 at 12 o’clock position. Very clear. Also above the spots an arc in white that reminds me somewhat of Schroters valley on ze Moon. 

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5 hours ago, Stu said:

The larger of the two spots splits into two with the right conditions, perhaps the larger aperture is helping me? The tiny pore was pretty hard to spot too but definitely there. Cloudy here right now :( 

I've had a quick look with the little ZS66 and to my eyes at one glance it looked like the larger spot was split into two pieces, with a separate small spot  diagonally away from it towards the limb. 

Then next glance it seemed to be just one large spot and one smaller spot diagonally away from it towards the limb.

Seeing wasn't great so it may have been playing tricks on my eyes, but glad that I'm not the only one that was seeing a suggestion of the large spot splitting.



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