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£79.99 for a counterweight shaft?


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Well, I am considering it, as a last resort...

I actually want a counterweight shaft ( and weight, ) for my AZGTi, so I can get more versatility out of the mount, but have found it hard initially to sort it. I am told one designed for the job, has not been made, which is odd but hey ho! I am certain I could improvise something, after all it is only needing an M12 coach bolt of a decent length, but I would prefer something that looks a little better, intentional for the job as it were, if that makes sense. I am also told that a counterweight shaft from an EQ1 would fit, so have been looking for just that second hand, just missed one by minutes... 

Now whoever, I have seen a new National Geographic Telescope ( it seems to be on an Eq 1 ) for sale in my local Aldi, it is a shockingly low price for a scope and mount; accessories,  especially considering I only want the counterweight shaft and weight, but I am afraid I am tempted. :icon_redface:

I will look for a second version for a while, but cannot leave it too long, or it will be gone. Am I the only only to buy a relatively large product, for just one element of that product? Well tempted anyway! :grin:

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Yeh, as I said I just missed one second hand and will continue to try the second hand market, but I was just surprised that there was not one ready made for the mount from the retailers. I have seen one on the Chinese version of Amazon, what ever that is called, but I really do not want to go down that route of importing myself. :smiley:

As for improvising, that would be the cheapest, either as  @knobby suggests or a M12 coachbolt, even if the longest I can find is only 240mm. :rolleyes2:

The whole thing brought to mind someone who I used to know, who was given an old Hillman Imp in poor condition and was determined to get it back on the road. He went all over the country, finding and buying old ones, to get the spare parts to renovate his owe little car, he was given by a relative. He was lucky to have a big yard/garden, but his wife was quite unhappy, as he filled it with Hillman Imps! He had six or seven of them when I last heard, mostly in pieces! That memory further made me wonder if anyone does similar with Astro gear, you know buy several telescopes in poor condition, in the hope of getting one good one of of the project. 

I have also just realised that I last saw him about 15 years ago! Where does the time go eh?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 01/01/2020 at 14:02, Davey-T said:

You can get 12mm stainless steel threaded rod.


Or use standard hardened steel M12 threaded rod stock and paint it with black Rustoleum paint. Touch it up each year. Much cheaper than stainless material.

Edited by RAR_MI_USA
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  • 2 months later...


Can I please pick your brains regarding the above ?

I also have a SKY-WATCHER STAR ADVENTURER COUNTERWEIGHT KIT that I want to use on my new Sky-watcher AZ-GTI mount.

I also understand the AZ-GTI mount bolt thread hole is M12 in size.

Q1) Do you know what size thread is on the SKY-WATCHER STAR ADVENTURER COUNTERWEIGHT KIT bar please ?

As apparently you buy a thread converter(female (M?) to male (M12)) so you can make it fit, so I am keen to try that option.

In addition I have been advised, if I use the AZ-GTI in the EQ mode, I can mount the counter weight as I had it mounted on the Star Adventurer across the front.

Comments please


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Although, I just tried one of the other fittings, so it looks like the Star Adventurer bar is M8.

I might try a M8 to M12 converter and use the kit I have.

But thanks for the prompt reply and info.

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38 minutes ago, Bizibilder said:

Not too keen on those adapters!  M12 x 1.75 has a core diameter of 12-(1.75 x 2) = 8.5mm leaving 0.5/2=0.25mm of metal around the 8mm thread.  I suspect it will snap!

Is it not reinforced by the thread that it is locked into? Very interested as i have a couple of M10 ones,  that i was thinking of using in an HEQ5pro, which would be a much larger load

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If anyone's not happy with cobbling together bits and pieces, I could probably make up counterweight bars.

All i'd need to know is the bar diameter and length, thread diameter and length, also if you want a screw in stopper at the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey MarkAR I would definetly be interested in some sort of extension rod for star adventurer counter weight kit.  As far as I can tell it has an M8 thread. Something like a 6" or 8" extension I guess. I just posted a query on this very same subject so hopefully good timing!

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23 minutes ago, lune lupine said:

Hey MarkAR I would definetly be interested in some sort of extension rod for star adventurer counter weight kit.  As far as I can tell it has an M8 thread. Something like a 6" or 8" extension I guess. I just posted a query on this very same subject so hopefully good timing!

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