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Nov 11th Transit of Mercury

David Smith

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Interesting day. Started off grey and overcast, having rained over night. Sky cleared around 10am and was glorious for a couple of hours. 25 past 12 clouds pile in and my phone pings as raintoday app tells me there is rain on the way! Despite this I setup anyway in an unusual show of optimism on my part but this time it paid off. I managed to evade the shower using a combination of tarps and a quick dive into the shed for a few minutes and in between the clouds, wind and rain I managed 9 captures across white light and Ca-K with 2 different scopes! Of the 9 I have managed to stack 4, the other 5 captures include clouds, trees and other paraphernalia that is probably causing the difficulty. I will make further attempts to stack these later as neither of my white light full disks stacked which is a little disappointing.

First up the Ca-K full disk, taken with the AR102xs @ native 500mm focal length so I could get the full disk in one capture


This one was taken with the Evostar @1000mm focal length


Then on to white light, both of these taken with the Evostar and Revelation 2.5x barlow for 2500mm focal length. They are just 21 minutes apart but it was a case of get what you can today!





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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Excellent shots David. Love the Ca-K ones particularly. Seems like we all had to wait for the cloud gaps, we were lucky we didn't have any rainy though.

Thanks Stu. Not many Ca-K imagers on here so I thought I would focus on this aspect.

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1 hour ago, MartinHiggins said:

Very nice images! I'm quite new to observing and living in cloudy central Cardiff I expected the worst. It was a real buzz to see this transit through a Williams bino and C90 Mak where the solar disk filled the view.


Thanks Martin. Glad you enjoyed it. We just need some more solar activity now to keep our interest after this little flurry of excitement.

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