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Can anyone guess which DSO this is?

Stub Mandrel

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Here's a good test of sky quality!

Can anyone guess what was lurking in the murk near me last night? Seeing this it amazes me I can photograph anything at all with my skies.

No cheating by plate-solving etc. Only clue is that you can just make out the OIII component, the Ha is completely lost in the sodium murk.


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14 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

You're lucky to be able to see it Neil, I haven't been able to image it from the obs'y for a few years due to neighbours ever growing Leyandii :hmh:


My sympathies, I have a roof, chimney and leylandii dead south to intercept low objects as they are at their best!

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2 hours ago, Davey-T said:

You're lucky to be able to see it Neil, I haven't been able to image it from the obs'y for a few years due to neighbours ever growing Leyandii :hmh:


There is a vague hope you can cling on to. There is a mite which sometimes attacks Leylandii and causes the leaves to die back and go brown. It looks awfully like somebody drilled small holes in the trunk and dripped concentrated glyphosate in..............or so i'm told.

Southern view is a bad one to lose, is there no negotiation with the neighbours? ?

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1 hour ago, carastro said:

Well I can't see a name on the enlarged image.


For me just pushing the mouse over the image shows the name when my browser (Firefox) displays the link it will follow if I click?


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3 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

No! That's what it is, but I don't want to spoil the fun.

Here's a version skillfully enhanced with 'Pigs-in-sight':



That looks like the Random Doodle Nebula to me :)


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