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Hello again

This image posting is beoming a bit of a habit!

A popular target NGC891 is something I have tried for recently but been besieged by clouds etc. Last night my only difficulty was setting up an imaging run with the help of my four year old. She was not too helpful and I did a fair bit of tooth grinding but in the end we got there!

5x10min subs each for LRG and only managed 3x10min for blue - all unbinned. SXV H9 and FLT110.

Used a trutek automatic filter wheel on this one and it all went grand. Went for the works with darks, flats, flatdarks and bias. Not sure what i am doing wrong but I get my hot pixels replaced by dark pixels in the stacked subs?!

Anyhow, processed this quickly amidst in the morning time chaos and was quite happy with the result. When I got back from work i thought to myself that having a bit more time to spend I'll get a lovely image. Well i failed again and again. So here is my best process from the breakfast time mayhem and I dont really know how I did it - shame.



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How did you like the motorised filter wheel Anthony?

I'd like to know that too, Ant, as that's the next bit of learning for me to do!

If I can produce anything near as good as your image I'll be VERY happy! Great stuff!


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Cheers for all the feedback peeps!

How did you like the motorised filter wheel Anthony?

Hi Martin and Helen,

The filter wheel is pretty good. I picked it up second hand a while ago but have only just got into using it as a regular thing. It adds a bit more weight and more cables. It is light tight and works seemlessly with maxim. It is a real bonus being able to set it up and leave it. Means I can go back inside and appease my family.

With well corrected refractor optics it is fine though you might need to refocus between filters on some refractors. Sort of takes away from the advantage of the motorized filter in the first place if that is the case. If you were thinking of the narrow or super slim version it would be handy to check the dimensions of the filters themselves. I have trutek broadband filters and astronomik narrow band. The filter housing for the trutek is higher and easily accomodated. I used Nik (I think is his name) at Trutek to get a 7 filter wheel. Nice to deal with and very helpful. I also have a seperate hand controller so i can change filter indepenndantly of the PC/software. So, a nice and very useful bit of kit all in. And evven better for being second hand!


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