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Ex pat living in Denmark here. I don't have a scope at the moment as i've been stuck in paralysis by analysis mode for quite some time. It's all over now though - i think! - and i'm now on a 22 day countdown until i can get out a collect my scope/accessories.

I live out in the country with no other houses or towns close by and generally experience dark skies when there's no moon. I also have a great view of the open sky from east through south to west although large oaks and chestnuts conspire to block out large chunks of the northern sky.

I'm finding this site an excellent resource that's already helped me with quite a few questions ... although i'm sure it'll be the source of many more to come ;)

Thanks guys...


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4 hours ago, Pondus said:

Heia Olsin og velkommen :smiley:.

May I ask what scope youre waiting for?



Hej Rune .. It's been a steep learning curve right from the outset. My original thoughts where, you brought a telescope, pointed it at the sky and sat back and enjoyed everything the sky had to offer.

Then i woke up and started to try and decide just what type of of astronomy excited me contra types of telescope. It's been a hard choice not made any easier by the steep cost of scopes and equipment although what has made the decision easier in the end was the fact that i have a reasonably decent sized telescope store only an hours drive away. I'm at the age where warranties and after sales service are as important as the goods themselves....almost.

So i finally settled on a Celestron 8" Edge + avx mount plus the neximage 5 mp camera, T-ring/adapter/0.63 focal reducer/barlow and cables to run from the handset to PC/batinov mask.  

Then i guess, the real learning will start ... something i am immensely looking forward to.

Thank you all for your warm welcome's...

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