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Hi all I'm a new comer I'm absolutely fascinated in space and would like help in starting up becoming a gazer so what equipment do you recommend I don't really have a budget, quality over quantity I say or if someone has some equipment for sale I'd be interested in buying it ?

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2 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL. It is difficult to recommend equipment without a bit more information. What do you hope to observe? Where will you observe from ? Are you interested in astrophotography? For example.

Thanks well I'm am really an beginner I'm located in north wales if I'm honest I don't even know where is good to gaze to be honest 

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Welcome, Mike.

Laudropb has it right. We can help best if you give us a budget. Quality over quantity is a good maxim - but quality can be very expensive and the more expensive it gets the less likely one is to be able to discern a difference. Even the 'experts' can struggle with that. So the law of diminishing returns kicks in. 

Set yourself a budget and a ladder of where you want to go. The top rung is not achievable until you've stepped onto the bottom rung.

When I started, like many people, I wanted everything. Now.

It doesn't work that way. And never mind astro photography ... some of our expert imagers will advise on that.

Come back and tell us more.

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Hi and welcome to SGL :) A good place to start may be a quick Google to find some local clubs that you could go and visit. This would give you a feel for the different scopes and mounts out there and what would suit you more. Do you want to learn your way around the sky? Do you want GOTO so that you don't need to star hop yourself for example.

Look forward to seeing you around :) 

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Different scopes for different folk as they say but I agree with the comments above that some idea regarding budget will certainly be a good starting point. Assuming you just want to start with observing the night sky, then you might want to consider this scope or for a little more perhaps this one. With these types of dobsonian scopes, most of the money goes towards the mirror and the larger the mirror, the more light it can collect and therefore the possibility to resolve more detail. It is easy to spend money on some kind of GOTO capability (a computerised system that via a hand controller can help you locate 1,000's of chosen objects) or on special objective glass that you look through on a traditional looking telescope, or even on specially designed scopes that help reflect the light in such a way as to enable a larger scope to be contained within a smaller body, a bit like this Cassegrain design.

Dobsonians represent the best value for money but they have limited use if you later want to perform some type of astrophotography. In fact 'imaging' as we often call it requires a different approach to that which you need if observing the heavens is going to be your thing. A budget certain whittles down the options but as part of your research you might want to post a question or two over on the beginner's equipment sections to help finalise your choice.

Wishing you clear skies for now and hope you enjoy your stay here!

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May be worth doing a bit off research first ,pop over to your local club get aquainted see what people are using thats within your budget , and have a good think before buying ,no good buying a dobsonian if you thing you would like to do some astrophotography you could pay dearly in the long run 

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