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I had a great holiday at Ollys in Les Granges. While it was mainly a Deep Sky Imaging Holiday, I also shot some widefield and 50mm Canon images.

On the last two nights I set up the widefield lens to see what Perseids I could catch. I got a few, and 2 left smoke trails for up to 15mins afterwards.

Here is a video of one them. The quality is not great, and the de-flicker option does not seem to be working, but you should be able to see it on the right hand side. This is about a 25% crop of the full frame with DBE applied from PI.

Thanks Tom.

HD Timelapse version N2 smoke.mp4

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Thanks Dave

This was a video made from 30 jpegs, or single frame shots. Each frame was a 25s 3200iso at F/2.8. 

I used the 5D canon which is full frame and pretty sensitive. I caught 59 Perseids on the first night in about 300 photos. But I was at a very dark site which helped. 

Radiant photo to come later  I hope. 


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I've seen the higher qualtiy original and think it's sensational. Really spooky to see tha vapour trail curl and dissolve. In fact it's one of the most evocative meteor images I've seen.

We also have something cooking on the deep sky front which you might not have seen before but that's a teaser!!!


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