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Hello all!

Sniper X

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I've been interested in space and everything to do with it since I was a kid. I've never been an astronomer,  but always been interested in it.  I've been a photographer  for over 40 years and just gotten back into it due to getting some great deals on a couple new to me cameras. A search on how to get good star photographs led me here. Since I live 39 miles  away from a major city and only get a little light pollution from the nearest town which is about 23 miles away,  I can possibly get some great pics from my 10 acres of land. I hope to learn a lot about astronomy along the way as well. 


If anyone is interested I can do an equipment run down if that will help with tips you may have. Thanks and looking forward to this site! 



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Greetings, Sniper, and welcome to SGL - it's good of you to join us here! We're from all around the planet.

Do take a look about and find a good place to start with any & all questions you may find, and answers you can give others. That's what we do here, so no need to feel shy!

New Mexico is a lovely part of the country - been there a few times.

Be seeing you about -


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Hi Sniper and welcome to SGL, if you are wanting to go down the Astronomy imaging / photographic route, be prepared to have deep pockets. There is a wealth of information to be had from the imaging and photographic sections of the forum; to help get you started, enjoy the forum :) 

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