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Hi from Sweden

lux eterna

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Hi all,

My first astro related memory is from when I was maybe 7 years old and discovered the Milky Way for the first time, on a dark winters night. It was a humbling experience. Now that I am retired and have lots of time for this hobby, I still get the same feeling. I usually drive to a dark place for my astro photography and when everything is up and running I can sit down and enjoy the show. Up here at N58 there is not much to do between late April and end of August so this time of year is best for equipment upgrade etc. I am a bit into the DIY business so maybe I will post something I have "invented". Anyway, I found my way to SGL looking for advice on OTA insulation for minimizing tube currents, and found a lot of interesting thoughts. So I will put some insulation on the OTA (maybe not the bottom part) after it has cooled down a bit.

Attached is a selfie with my current setup, but a new Meade LX200-ACF is on it´s way!  (sorry for the clouds...)




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Most Swedes (there are a few) here are still in summer storage.

As far as astrophotography is concerned, what we lose during the summer, we gain during the winter. Including natural low noise conditions.

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