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New club

Bicester astronomy club

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Hello everyone

this is a brand new club mainly for people that live in Bicester or the surrounding area. this is because of the lack of clubs in this area.we felt it would be a great opportunity to meet new people and get together in a friendly fun atmosphere. to share knowledge and maybe show off some of the equipment that club members have. We are currently looking for a location to hold a star party 

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Hi and welcome to the forum. Hope you are successful with your endeavour and if can introduce new people to astronomy then that would be a bonus!

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Greetings, Bicester-rep., and  a welcome to SGL - it's good of you to join us!

We are quite willing (and LOVE!) to help folks' find answers to questions in these many forums, and welcome input of information, so no need to be shy.

Clear & dark skies -


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Hi and welcome to the gang :p It's great that you created you own club, that's what we astronomers should do when there are no clubs around :) Have lots of fun and learn many many things all the members together!

Someone here should be able to help you about the location and maybe even become member in your astro club. If you don't like the skies up there you could always come to Greece :p:p 

Cheers (from Greece)


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Hi BAC, and a very warm welcome from Swindon Stargazers, just down the road from you really.  If you get a website, let us know and we will link up with you.  All the best in your new venture!

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Welcome to SGL,    Bicester Astro Society. We all enjoy this mighty forum, which goes continually from strength to strength, in alliance with the 
the huge experience, and knowledge base it's members give us.
That said of course, Local Astronomy Societies still provide a base for local Amateurs to meet and share experiences. Engaging professionals to 
give lecture on the various sciences that make up the whole fabric of Astronomy.
Sharing knowledge of Observing, and Imaging experiences etc. If you are fortunate enough to have a dark site nearby for group observing sessions is always 
a popular activity too. 
rwilkey suggestion is a good one, and exchange visits to different Societies can also be very productive.

I realise that you are in the very early stages of forming your group, but these things mentioned will eventually 
take place more or less naturally as you develop.
I wish you every success in your endeavours. 


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