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n00b from sunny Bolton

Mark L

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Bit of an old sod (51). Been interested in 'the heavens' since I was quite young, but have never done anything about it

On the verge of getting myself some good quality binos


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4 hours ago, hippie said:

Welcome to SGL Mark :hello2:.

Thanks mate!

Just discovered a pair of bins in my loft. They're Centon 12x50s. Just tried them out in the back garden. They're not too bad. Bit of yellow at the edge of vision. Having looked closely at the objectives, there seems to be some mold on the inside of each lens. Ha! Time to get a new pair, methinks. The Helios Apollo 15x70s (as per your sig) get good reviews...

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Nice optics,  I used to own some Stellar 20x80s, but have found anything over 10x needs good support, and even my present 15x70s fail to produce any planetary detail, their just not powerful enough compared to the telescope, however, I really favour wide field, low power for more panoramic views, so I favour my 8x40s for astro work,  the 15x70s get more terrestrial use, and my 10x50s are general purpose all weather use.

Enjoy your new optics when they arrive, and welcome to the SGL. 

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I'm also in your neck of the woods. Bins are THE best way to get into astronomy. Far too may people start with 'I want to get into astronomy. What's the best telescope and camera?' Just learn your way around the sky with your bins. I would recommend a good old-fashioned planisphere to help you learn your way around. There's nothing better.

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1 hour ago, Mark L said:

Thanks for the advice and encouragement, guys

DeepSkyBagger, I'm on it. Off to Bolton town centre later for a planisphere

I got mine from a remainder shop, and they might also have a Night Atlas and other books to get you started at discount prices.

Doug, slightly past 51.

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