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Jumping to CCD questions

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I very close to upgrading my setup to include a monochrome CCD and filter wheel.  I've done a lot of research regarding different CCDs with my setups FOV to choose the appropriate image scale, but I'm hoping some of the more experience folks could take a look and let me know if I'm about to make any purchasing errors.

My scope is an Orion ED80t cf.  That's a small refractor with 480mm focal length at f5.  After considering many different CCDs, I'm leaning to the Atik 414EX.  Initially I was set on cameras with the larger KAF-8300 chip, but after some more thinking I believe the ICX825 in the Atik is a better choice.  I'd like the most versatile chip possible, so I think for most deep sky targets the image scale of the smaller chip will be more appropriate.  For larger targets like M31 I could always mosaic or try a focal reducer.  (Or just use my DLSR).  The ICX825 also has slightly bigger pixels, better well depth, and higher QE.  

Does anyone feel the larger format of the KAF-8300 still makes it worth considering?


Another thing I'm curious about is the electronic filter wheels.  Are there any real advantages over the manual ones besides convenience?  I don't mind manually rotating the wheel when I need to if that's the only real benefit.  The wheel I would buy would be the Atik EFW2, but I'd really like to put that $600 to better use on filters instead.  My total budget is about $3000.  So I'm torn between the electric wheel and bottom end Orion 1.25" narrowband set or go manual on the wheel and spend the extra cash on some Astrodon narrobands instead.  The Orion's say they are 7nm band pass while for astrodome I would go Ha/SII at 5nm and OIII at 3nm.  I have very heavy light pollution so I am planning to get an LRGB set later as I don't make it to dark sites very often.

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If the price difference is of no real interest to you, then I would seriously consider the 8300. The difference in field of view is vast and the image scale is not really that much different, so although the 414 is more sensitive and cleaner on paper, the reality of imaging in the real world means I would choose the 8300 chip every time. I have the 414ex, and love it, but if I had a straight choice between the two, then I would choose the 8300.

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Thanks of the advice!  My total budget is about $3000, but I'm OK to go over a bit if it means getting the right equipment.  The issue I have with the 8300 that it's not just the cost of the more expensive camera.  The extra cost of 36mm filters is about the same as the cost difference in cameras.  Plus I'm leaning towards the SBIG SFT-8300m for that chip and the dedicated 8 pos. filter wheel looks great but is of course more expensive as well.

What do you think about the potential for pairing the 414ex with a focal reducer for wide shots?

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A way to use your funds a bit more efficient could be the purchase of a Starlight Xpress USB filterwheel, instead of the Atik or SBig wheels. 
SX fw works absolutely flawless and several inner wheels are available if you want or need bigger size filters, and no power- or RS232 cables, just USB.

The (price) difference between Orion and Astrodon filters is huge.  Baader or Astronomik are very good filters as well and a lot cheaper...

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