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Thank you

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It's been just over a month since I joined and I just wanted to say thank you. Since I've joined, I've learnt so much, including the Light pollution petition, how many telescopes are sold worldwide,  focusing and a lot more! You also reply to my problems in minutes. The wealth of knowledge here is incredible! You guys have helped me with my problems, even the silly ones like checking your comport when connecting your telescope. to stellarium.

I've been fascinated by your images, and I hope one day I will be able to make the same sort of thing. I am continuing my wonderful journey in astronomy, taking in every learning curve and problem.

Thanks again,



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It's great to hear how much you are enjoying SGL.

I think no matter what your standard there is so much knowledge and experience here you can't help learning something new - I know I do!

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On 05/06/2016 at 16:41, michaelmorris said:

Glad you're enjoying SGL.  I know that without SGL I would know so much less about this wonderful hobby.

Agreed, I can't imagine getting half as much enjoyment out of astronomy without this place.



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Glad that you are enjoying the forum Seb. I have to say that without it I would have learnt next to nothing and I would have missed out on some good friends that I have made solely through SGL. 'Tis a great place :)

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Glad you are enjoying being here Seb. I can only echo what has been said, I learn something almost every time I come on here, and without SGL I would still be blundering around on my own, seeing very little!

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A couple of weeks ago i thought about joining another online forum on a subject that i know nothing about and seeing just how much i learn about that subject from fellow members. Obviously it would have to be something that i have a passing interest in, but i am a complete novice to.

I cant quite make up my mind on which topic/subject/hobby.

It would only be for the purpose of experiment to see if i learn as much from it as i do about astronomy here on SGL.

I thought about photography........but i can learn all about that here on the photography section from people i consider to be experts. Maybe something a bit more random like interior design, but i already understand too much about design........being a web designer.

Maybe i'll just try my hand at astro-photography using the gear i have and see how far i progress and learn. Obviously we have quite a few experts on that subject here too, but its alien to me really.

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It would be nice to welcome you to the world of astro imaging Paul :)  But be warned, it can be hellish expensive though you can do a lot with cheaper equipment.

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