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Hello from Hampshire


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I'm David Woods from Hampshire and thought I'd introduce myself. I started a new type of astronomy group three months ago and it's doing quite well, as we start in earnest for the new season, but I'm really new to this forum thing and just want to explore every part of astronomy I can.

I prefer observing and slowly moving into imaging as I know the mechanics of it (I produce ROV video for shipwrecks so that's what got me back into astronomy) as I understand CCD's but have very little practical experience of astro-imaging. Starting a new group I guess forces that issue!

I hope to learn much from SGL, as I like the vibe and it took me months of reading stuff on these forums before I joined and hope to pass some of that knowledge on to others.

Glad to be here.

Dark Skies


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Welcome Dave....

Nice to catch you online? Hows http://www.hantsastro.org doing? Looking forward to the next edition of Look Up!

Glad to hear you like the http://www.linuxastro.org idea. I've been trying to add to it, but its a huge subject - need to get folks involved. At the moment its unlocked :lol:

Know anyone wants an LX200R?? :grin:



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Going well, surreal. I will be making formal announcements in July. Have 24 members now and signed up two sites for observing so far. The main one will be fortnightly and offers free observing under quite dark skies and is in central Hampshire. The other is really, really dark, like Mag 21 or darker than the IOW Star Party we were at. It's about an hour or so from you I guess.

I'm having to enlarge the magazine! It's going mad... really exciting.

Did you see my message about the laptop? Can I use that for a Linux project?

Why are you selling the LX200R? I'm after an 8" OTA form my LXD75 mount.


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Great to hear that matey. I'll have to pop over when I get my kit sorted.

LX is going because its too cumbersome to transport, and I can't afford mobile kit atm. So going to consolidate to a Megrez 110 apo and an EQ6 - that way it won't fill the back of the car, and be easier to transport.

It will also allow me to image more easily, as the WS66 I have will be able to better manage guiding the 110.

Soooo - if your in the market for an SCT, my 10" would serve you well - its a lovely beastie. Pin sharp images, its just too large for mobility.

As for your laptop, I don't see why that wouldn't make a good remote unit. I don't need one myself, as my house is a PC graveyard :grin:



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I too am in Hampshire but where ar your dark sky sites?

Hi Beamer3.6m

Details are being finalised and details will be released via the HantsAstro.org web site and SGL in July. For more details please visit the web site.


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