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Heads up - nicely timed Aldebaran occultation


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Hi folks

A quick reminder that there's a nicely timed occultation of Aldebaran tonight for UK observers, with the eye of the bull disappearing behind the dark limb of the waxing gibbous moon at about 18:10GMT, depending on where you're located. Very civilised time.

I'm hoping to get out and see it - it'll be my first ever occultation so looking forward to it, and currently we have clear skies!



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Wow - just amazing how it suddenly "switched off" instantaneously.  Both of us noted it at exactly the same time.  Time from here was 18:11:29.1, on the assumption that Big Ben and Radio 4 weren't conspiring against me this evening.

That was my first; it won't be my last.

I won't be staying around for reappearance as the in-laws are over and I'm on barbecue-the-steaks duty, a noble task that can only be completed if accompanied by wine and one which, therefore, is prudently completed after the scope has been put away.

Would be interested in any other timings and observations.


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Wow - just amazing how it suddenly "switched off" instantaneously.  Both of us noted it at exactly the same time.  Time from here was 18:11:29.1, on the assumption that Big Ben and Radio 4 weren't conspiring against me this evening.

That was my first; it won't be my last.

I won't be staying around for reappearance as the in-laws are over and I'm on barbecue-the-steaks duty, a noble task that can only be completed if accompanied by wine and one which, therefore, is prudently completed after the scope has been put away.

Would be interested in any other timings and observations.


i don't know what I was expecting, but I watched it with clearish skies for 30 minutes and I agree that it was like it just switched off.

Not quite the excitement of an eclipse, but at least I've seen an occultation .

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Thanks for the heads up Paul, for once an astro event wasn't clouded out in murky Lincoln. What struck me was as Aldabaran approached the moon the star seemed to notably dim. Makes you realise just why observing uneven close doubles can be so tricky.

Hoped you all have a great festive season.

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