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NexRemote in Windows 10 won't install


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Having just become the proud owner of my first computerised telescope, a Celestron NexStar 4se, I want to use it to the full, including operating from a laptop.  Only problem is the software on the CD won't install, neither will the latest download from the Celestron site.  This is what I get.

NexRemote (1.7.23) is not allowed to run on Win (6.2)
Setup Aborted!
I have contacted Celestron but if anyone has found a solution I'd love to know about it.  It's a Fujitsu Siemens laptop with Windows 10 upgraded from Windows 7.
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Did you try running the setup in compatibility mode?

Thanks.  I ran the compatibility test several times and it failed every time.  Celestron have responded with a stock reply buy promise to get back to me.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Nadeem, install it in compatibility mode for windows 7. Works with Windows 10 when you install that way. In downloads, find the installation software you want to run. Right click and select compatibility mode...

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On 1/1/2017 at 17:32, Nadeem said:

Hey....am having the same problem...any fixes for this? I have Windows 10 and apparently Celestron a bit out dated and needs Windows XP 

You will find many things about Astronomy are behind the times. Like a 9 pin serial port connector on the cord for the NexStar. I haven't had a 9-pin on my computers for a while now.

But there is an adapter for it to USB. I have my computer wired to my mount (AVX) with Celestron's NexRemote virtual hand control on screen.

If I had an electric filter wheel and electronic focusing, I'd never have to touch my equipment. Well, almost, I'd still have to do my Polar Alignment adjust. :happy8:

If Astronomy was as popular as say Cell Phones, imagine how snazzy it would be. :shocked:

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Interesting :)  Compatibility mode eh? :D  Maybe that's what I need to install astro stuff on Win 10.  Maybe I can use my Win 10 mini PC box after all.

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4 hours ago, Gina said:

Interesting :)  Compatibility mode eh? :D  Maybe that's what I need to install astro stuff on Win 10.  Maybe I can use my Win 10 mini PC box after all.

Worth looking into Gina.

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  • 5 months later...

Running the installation in compatibility mode for windows 7 and 8 did not work. Same error. I downloaded the zip, unzipped the file and changed the compatibility mode in the properties of the exe (to win 7 and then to win 8). I also tried the troubleshooter for compatability and saved the changes. Still did not get me past the same error. Any other suggestions?

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3 hours ago, yladsr said:

Running the installation in compatibility mode for windows 7 and 8 did not work. Same error. I downloaded the zip, unzipped the file and changed the compatibility mode in the properties of the exe (to win 7 and then to win 8). I also tried the troubleshooter for compatability and saved the changes. Still did not get me past the same error. Any other suggestions?

If you could post the error dialog that is show, it will assist and providing a solution.

Click on the menu bar of the dialog and Alt-PrtScn, then paste into your post Ctrl-V


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just installed on windows 10 today and the first (auto selection) attempt failed. After that the troubleshooter let me choose windows 7 and it all installed fine. The programs all start fine too but I haven't actually connected it to anything yet so I'm not positive it will actually talk to a telescope

I have the SkyQ 2 coming and once it gets here then I'll know for sure.

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  • 1 month later...

I have tried this several times now on my PC and Laptop. All without success. Looks like I am going to have to pay to have windows 7 installed. Not happy as I have just had windows 10 installed ( not by choice) on

them both!

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6 hours ago, steviebee said:

I have tried this several times now on my PC and Laptop. All without success. Looks like I am going to have to pay to have windows 7 installed. Not happy as I have just had windows 10 installed ( not by choice) on

them both!

Might be your best route to have a Pro take a look. Finding the compatibility mode that works for you can sometimes be daunting.

At the same time, a good computer guy can enlighten you to what step it is that has been tripping you up.

Ultimately, if you really want to, Windows 10 can be reverted to the previous operating system, like Windows 7, or 8 variety.

But  something that drastic is a last step. Just learning how to get around the compatibility mode should get you going. Also, I find browsing You Tube for instructional video's has really helped me with different stumbling blocks in this Astro bog. PHD2, or other programs or methods.

I have a couple of programs I had to install in an earlier compatibility mode. But it is very frustrating until you find the way. Hang in there. 

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  • 2 months later...

Just a quick thanks all :icon_biggrin:. I recently purchased a PoleMaster to complete my PA routine (one of the best pieces of kit I have purchased) and as I operate my mount from my shed wanted to be able to complete the align remotely - enter the NexRemote.

Went to download (I have windows 10) and of course got the error - quick google straight to this old faithful forum and download completed within 5 minutes....:headbang:

You guys & girls rock!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Thank you all for your advice and encouragement.  I finally found the compatibility troubleshooter by typing "compatibility mode" in the Search bar.  I then simply had to enter the file name to get the process going.  Wow, what a relief!  It's a wonder I hadn't torn all of my hair out.   Everything tested out okay.   However, what happened to that nice lady's voice?

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  • 7 months later...

When I go to the properties of the executable, I don't see any show any option for compatibility, the only tab was "General." I also tried to use the Run Programs for Previous Versions Application but it said that it couldn't use the compatibility feature on the .exe. Did anyone have this problem? If so, how did you fix it? Thanks

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  • 11 months later...

Check out this video I made to resolve the issue and get firmware installed. Follow video to the end and you should end up with the Firmware software ready to double click on the desktop! Note I have used Windows 10 (you will normally get the aforementioned error if using Windows 7 and up). 




Edited by Alhena
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I can't see why anybody would wish to embrace Nexremote today. ...

Its replacement, CPWI version 2.3.4 Final RC1 is now available, is stable and 100% Windows 10 compatible.  By contrast, NexRemote is a compatibility nightmare unless you have a Windows 7 laptop.

It is also now possible to align with CPWI then allow Stellarium or Cartes Du Ceil to take over. You just need to understand ASCOM.

Lastly, folk have criticised CPWI for having a limited database. The issue is that it's "find lowest magnitude" setting defaults to 8. If you dig deeper into its menu, you can move the slider to magnitude 16, revealing more objects than anybody can ever visit in lifetime. 

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On 04/01/2017 at 13:58, Gina said:

Interesting :)  Compatibility mode eh? :D  Maybe that's what I need to install astro stuff on Win 10.  Maybe I can use my Win 10 mini PC box after all.

FWIW I have a 2014 mac mini server, dual boot (with bootcamp) to Windows 10 Pro

  1. PHD2 - ASI174 & StarTreavel 80
  2. ASCOM 6.4 SPI
  3. SGPRo 
  4. Stellarium 
  5. StellariumScope (yes, I know I don't need it now, old dogs/habits)
  6. Pegasus powebox and focus cube
  7. DSS
  8. HitechAstro focus controller

are all installed with no issues, or need to use compatibility mode.

Remote access via TeamViewer if I need to, primarily tho' using Microsoft Remote Desktop from my iMac.

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