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Simeis 147 Ha


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Well almost... it seems no matter how big the sensor there is always something that won't quite fit on it, in this case the ancient supernova remnant Simeis 147. This is an apparent very large object (3 degrees diameter, or 6 full moons across) so is normally tackled using CCD plus a camera lens, here I;ve tried to squeeze what I can onto the chip using my NP127is. Didn't quite make it, and I'm thinking I will try the 0.7 focal reducer but not at all confident it won;t vignette dreadfully.

Scope: Televue NP127is @ 660mm f/l

CCD: Moravian G4-16000 @ 1x1

Mount: 10-Micron GM2000HPS

Guide: unguided

Filters: Chroma 3nM Ha

Data: 8 x 1800s



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This is so on my target list and every year I say I'm going to have a bash at it! This is great! :) But if it won't fit on your sensor then I'm afraid there's little hope for the rest of us! Is it going to stay mono or do you have colour plans?

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This is so on my target list and every year I say I'm going to have a bash at it! This is great! :) But if it won't fit on your sensor then I'm afraid there's little hope for the rest of us! Is it going to stay mono or do you have colour plans?

Thanks Sara, I thought about it last year but the thought of a 6 x 6 mosaic put me off! There is OIII in this but mostly around the periphery so it's not going to be worth it on this set. If I can get the reducer working then yes, otherwise I need a shorter f/l scope that provides a flat field out to a minimum 52mm diameter... I wish I'd bought the Canon bayonet adapter for the camera now ;-)


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