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The Sun Quiet? Not in Ca-K it isn't

David Smith

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Not my greatest Ca-K set by some measure as I was cloud dodging and the seeing dropped off pretty badly towards the end of the session but you get the idea.

6 Pane FD, a little over exposed in some of the panes. Tricky as cloud was coming and going and what worked exposure wise at the start of the capture, was over exposed by the end of it! I'm quite surprised it all stitched up as there is so little detail in the northern hemisphere.

22142231738_a96c3fea61_o.png20151020_CaK_6PaneFD by David Smith, on Flickr

3 Pane Mosaic. I may have another go at stitching this as the source frame look pretty decent. I think it is just MS Ice causing the problem with the right hand pane.

21707219814_b0fcb395d2_o.jpg20151020_CaK_ARs_3Pane by David Smith, on Flickr

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