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IC1396 - Elephant's Trunk Nebula - 6 Hours Worth.


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Had a great night on the 9th October just outside Horncastle in Lincolnshire which was clear all night. Not a single dropped sub so managed ~6 hours on IC1396. Although towards the end the subs were starting to get a bit lighter as they were entering the "murk" and getting a bit too low in the sky.

The Garnet Star giving me a bit of grief but otherwise quite happy. My last attempt on this area was a waste, couldn't see anything.

The problem with this area is there are so many stars...it is just full of them. However the benefit of taking 75 subs is that I didn't have to perform any noise reduction at all. It was all fairly quick to process. Might spend some more time on it in future just to tease out more, the dark areas are really dark (black clipped I think).

Acquisition details:

Baader Modified Canon 6D @ ISO1600
Canon 500mm f/4 L IS @ f/4 with IDAS LPS-D1 filter.
75x5 minute subs

Avalon Instruments M-Zero

Thanks for looking...


With Fewer Stars




Some 100% Crops From The Original - With Tiny Sh 2-128.


Original - Large version can be viewed on Flickr.


IC1396 - Elephant's Trunk Nebula by Stuart, on Flickr



And For Those Interested - The Starting Point - 75 of these. Corners aren't great but it is merely a full frame camera and a lens.


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Thanks guys!

Awesome stuff Stuart :)

That mount looks like a bit of a beast, is that 5 minutes unguided you were doing with it?

Naah...wish it was, I am guiding with a Canon 200mm f/2.8 L II lens and a QHY5L-II mono camera using PHD2.

It is actually quite a small mount (it is the M-Zero, not the M-Uno)...I have taken it abroad and stuffed it into my hold luggage.

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A beautiful result, lots of excellent detail, processing is very natural and and it works really well, It is an honest image in my book, a great decision not to overprocess and force the data. Looking forward to more excellent images over the coming months.


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A beautiful result, lots of excellent detail, processing is very natural and and it works really well, It is an honest image in my book, a great decision not to overprocess and force the data. Looking forward to more excellent images over the coming months.


Thanks B...I am not a huge fan of over processing, making parts that are faint as bright as other parts of the nebulosity is not my thing. A slight bit of enhancing is fine but otherwise I prefer to keep it fairly true to how it is.

I really like this Stuart. Love the contrast between the dark dust and the surrounding nebulosity. Very good detail also. Great work!!


Thanks Pete. Need to look at those dark spots though as I think they are a bit too dark.

Nice DSO- who needs a telescope!

You've got more 'scopes than I have got lenses :grin:

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Fabulous image. So much work involved, the mind boggles! Tim. 

Thanks Tim. The collecting of the data was quite easy going, left it running most of the night just checking every so often to make sure it was still running.

Really nice image.


Wow! Until now I was happy with my version [emoji6] I have roughly the same FOV with a 300/4L IS and 1100D.

It was your image that inspired me to go for this target. I only managed 6 hours before the subs started getting a bit lighter.

Very nice.  That 500mm does very well at f4; the little 'comets'  in the corners don't detract.  My 100-400 zoom at max aperture (5.6) doesn't hack it nearly so well; I stay around 250 and 6.3 with it. 

Thanks, I might try stopping down to f/4.5 to see if it makes any difference, but I won't stop down any more than that...f/5.6 is 2x slower and I'd sacrifice the corners a bit rather than the integration time.

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Thanks again for the comments...!

.... Although the lens probably costs more that the scopes most people use :)


That may be true but since I already owned it, it cost me nothing......well that is what I tell the missus anyway :)
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I really like this Stuart - I think you've processed it really well and done a fantastic job on it ............. Top drawer :)

Thank you Sara, the Avalon mount is doing well, a nice piece of (portable/luggable) kit.

Damn thats good,

Thats a full bodied ic1396 if i ever saw one.

Excellent job Stuart


Thanks Paul.

Very pleasing to look at, great processing!

Thanks Robert...

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