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They say not to buy everything at once but I can't help it


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Until recently, I was content with my 80mm Refractor and simple tripod.  Last year, I enjoyed viewing the moon, Jupiter & Saturn, Orion Nebula and learning to find stuff in the night sky.  I even bought the camera adapters and took some nice pictures through the ED80.

I got the bug this year and decided to purchase a SCT.  After a lot of reading, I finally decided to part with some cash and get the Celestron Edge HD 9.25.  Since that purchase, there have been a steady stream of UPS trucks arriving at my house! :rolleyes:

You know what I am talking about!  I had to have some Dew Control so I bought a controller & heater Strip.  A new Baader click-lock rear cell adapter is a huge improvement.  I made a dew shield ... it works fine but come on, I can't have that crappy looking thing on my new telescope.  So, I bought a nice Dew Shield.

I began to notice that my playroom was filling up with small cardboard boxes and my good stuff was all over the place.  Time to get organized.  I found some nice plastic boxes to hold all of my accessories and even a nice Sterlite Footlocker to hold my OTA.  Now, that is a lot better.  Everything is organized and packed away ready for the next clear-sky night.

But wait!  I intend to do some deep sky and planetary astrophotography and I don't want to take my Macbook Pro outside so I decided to buy a PC laptop.  I found a nice one on sale and am going to buy it tomorrow.  

My Panasonic GH2 has taken some nice astrophotos but I have read that the Canon DSLR is well supported for us Astronomy types.  Lots of software available for the PC and Canon camera control.  I saw a used 1100d for $250 online.  Probably will buy that while I'm at it.

Gonna need an auto guider and ... and ... and.... :Envy:


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I know what you mean Indlbush.  I saved up quite a tidy sum and ear-marked it for Astronomy this year.  It's just that there are certain basics that need to be acquired to try to do some decent Deep Sky Astrophotography.  So far, I have been buying like there is no tomorrow and have yet to take a picture through the new SCT! :kiss:  In fact, due to to cloudy skies, I have only had an opportunity to take the scope out twice in the last two weeks!  

During the cloudy time, I have done a lot of reading and have learned a lot about what I hope to be doing soon.

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I don't get what the problem is :confused:  You only seem to have 2 scopes :rolleyes: , that's just starting out :grin: :grin: :grin: .

The most extreme I have read of was someone that had lost count (100++) and had had their roof space boarded so they could store their collection in it. :eek: :eek:

I have noticed that reflector people tend to replace the "smaller" reflector with a bigger reflector.

Refractor people seem to keep the "old" refractor and buy another, and then another, and another, ..............

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, I have only had an opportunity to take the scope out twice in the last two weeks!


Twice in 2 weeks, your lucky. I work nights so can only get out Friday and Saturday, if its cloudy, that's it for another week. But tonight iv brought my binos to work. One of my drops is darkish, and its a nice clear night, so tonight ill be getting paid to stargaze haha
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You're a lightweight. My home looks like Mr. Wizard's closet vomited - a million+++ pieces of astro-gear and various other sciences of equipment everywhere you look. To the outside observer it appears a mess. But I know where everything is. And as long as there's room for my futon and the stove and 'fridge are working - I'm a happy camper!

Anyone seen my horticulture experiment? It was here just a minute ago......



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Ronin, I wonder if that means also adding (several) guide scopes, separate lenses for wide view imaging or IR imaging etc to refractors as well? :)

No idea, it was a question on CN about 18 months back - How many scopes do you own ? So I assume just Scopes not guiders or finders, I certainly had the impression that only "Scopes" counted and only the main observing scopes were what people referred to.

I only have 5, odd but "average" seemed low double figures, 10 to 15 area. :eek: :eek:

Then appeared this guy who said (I think): "116 at last count, but have added a few since that count so a few more."

Seems he had just bought, refurbished and collected scopes over many years and then had stored them away when another appeared for him to play with. At some time he had the roof spaced boarded so that it could be used to store them. Many he said were duplicates, and the implication was that none were sort of "big" or "costly" scopes, like say the AP 130 EDF, or a 16" dobsonian.

Made interesting reading in a way.

Prior to that by a month or two was the question "What is the ideal number of scopes?"

BillP made a very good reply to that one. :grin: :grin:

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It must be far better to buy an optimal setup in one go.

I might have saved the 75% spent on "experimenting"?  :D

I've been careful  - Haven't bought any "real dogs" even.

it's just that experience is a good (rather rapid?) teacher. 

With hindsight, my setup could've been *much* better? :o

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBHZFYpQ6nc]  :p

(If I were a rich man - Fiddler on the Roof)

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I enjoyed reading all of your posts.  Pretty funny how this hobby gets a grip on a person!  I am enjoying all of the reading and learning associated with it.  I have tried to make sure that I do my homework before I buy something.  (Like Macivity said...)  But how do you really know?  ha.  So far, I think I have made good choices.  A nice ED80mm Refractor and now I have the SCT.  Of course, i keep seeing accessories that I want.  

Yeah, cloudy nights contribute to a lot of purchases.  If we were out lookin' we would be inside buying.  LOL

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That's the best way to do it Tim. Some items are a lot of money, and a bit of homework to help make the right choice is important. Everything iv bought recently iv asked about on here first. And I'm glad to say, they are a friendly old bunch with plenty of knowledge, and have always put me in the right direction.

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Just incase youre running out of ideas of things to add to your collection, a 4" Takahashi FSQ Astrograph would complement your already great set-up. And as you're already suffering from the astro bug - a terminal illness im afraid - who could blame you?


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Think I've done pretty good over the years, and after much research I came to the conclusion I only needed three scopes, a Refractor, a Mak, and a Reflector. So far I'm two thirds the way there, but somehow made a mistake along the way; I have three Refractors and three Mak's.  :icon_scratch:  

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I have noticed that reflector people tend to replace the "smaller" reflector with a bigger reflector.

Refractor people seem to keep the "old" refractor and buy another, and then another, and another, ..............

Astro observing looks like a lot of kit and when things start to edge into the 4 figures (cashwise) I can see it might look worrying.  But to put it into context over a 15 year peiod I worked out I'd spent £30,000 on football (club season tickets, shirts, trains, pubs...away games etc.) I was looking at what I might have spent that money on astrowise! (especially as my team doesn't reward too often with results!).  I am not rich, just an average punter, but it all adds up.  I've only spent a few hundred so far on a 5" refractor and it has, so far, delivered more than my football team (well...).  So, I'm not going to worry about boxes arriving over the months ahead.  I also know I'm going to keep the refractor (as Ronin predicts!) come what may because I always wanted one, and I really like it.  I expect I'll get a fast, portable something with snazzy optics someday and also a large mirror based thing one day too! But few things in life have satisfied as much as this frac! Bring on the boxes... :)

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I started a similar thread recently that you may find interesting / funny as buying kit can become a bit obsessive.

I'm currently considering buying some large Vixen observation binos - it never ends :smiley:


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Hi Tim -

I feel your pain. :grin: And everyone else's, too! So I thought I'd lead you astray...er...away to a wonderful site that you can literally get lost in. ScopeStuff in Texas has astro-gear of every possible description. So many different dongles and whatzits that any one person could never possibly buy it all. Leave alone need or use:


Clear your schedule for a week. You won't be spending much money. You'll be too busy reading! :p

So Long,


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Hi Tim -

I feel your pain. :grin: And everyone else's, too! So I thought I'd lead you astray...er...away to a wonderful site that you can literally get lost in. ScopeStuff in Texas has astro-gear of every possible description. So many different dongles and whatzits that any one person could never possibly buy it all. Leave alone need or use:


Clear your schedule for a week. You won't be spending much money. You'll be too busy reading! :p

So Long,


Your very naughty Dave, you should know better than putting temptation in the way of us mere mortals.

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