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Hi all

Thought i better join up and say hi seeing as ive been lurking for a couple of months and using some of the vast info on here to get me up and running. 

    A couple of months ago i bought my first ever bionic eye from ebay in the form of an unbranded 76700 ( less than £50..bargain i thought ) . It worked, i could see the moon better than ever before and i even saw Jupiter and the pricks of light that are the moons, and well, i think thats started me off on a new hobby path. Since then i have started upgrading eye pieces to cheap 1.25 Plossls from ebay ( the filter threads might be wrong but they are a lot better than the tiny ones i got with the scope ), i have bought some filters and have pulled apart 2 webcams. 

Last week i was having a look around tinternets for a possible cheap something to upgrade and i came across the astroboot site, impulse got the better of me and i now own a red dot sight, which not only makes stars a LOT easier to find, but also came supplied with an EQ2 mount and an Explorer 130P so i could see them easier as well :whistling: 

Thats more than enough rambling for a first post :waves: 

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hi, welcome, nice to see another newby, looking forward to finding out what i can see through mine, and having never seen the moons of jupiter, i lam keen to know how good your setup is, also interested in web cam viewing, from inside in the warm, let us know how you get on please.


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Thanks for the warm welcomes and wishes with the scope folks (from Bristolish ) :) 

Im definitely a newbie Gordon, never even owned a pair of binoculars before. I really dont know much about scopes, webcams or much else at the moment. Here is my first attempt at a photo with a £4 16megapixel ( not) webcam and the 130P ( throu double glazing so it will get better if i can get the webcam outside ) . 


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Yup - you're right - getting the scope outside will make a massive difference.  Even if you opened the window, then the thermals you get with an open window will generally make the view really unstable.  

Apart from that - good first effort :)

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Some of the reviews and recommendations on this very forum suggested it was a good scope for starting Jim, that was the main reason i bought it :) 

I know what you mean about the clouds, i think i managed 100% extra free offer on them things. Friday night/Sat morn wasn't too bad for a first run with it after i'd put it together and started tinkering, however i spent the best part of Sat night/ Sun morn looking a bit sad and pathetic sitting on my window sill with Stellarium showing me what i could be looking at. Fingers crossed Thurs/Fri/Sat night will be a bit better seeing as thems my nights off and im mostly nocturnal ( 4 yrs of night shifts = sunlight that actually hurts if its too bright ), who knows .... i might even make it into the garden :excited:

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Yup - you're right - getting the scope outside will make a massive difference.  Even if you opened the window, then the thermals you get with an open window will generally make the view really unstable.  

Apart from that - good first effort :)

 My opening window isnt big enough, plus its at the top so by the time i'd have extended my tripod ( moved the sofa, coffee table and various other things)  and lined up with the open bit all i'd be able to see is the neighbors curtains. The bedroom is even worse, thats mostly 1 tree( that covers about 80% of my garden) , a distant view of the Severn bridges and lots of light from Avonmouth Docks industrial estates. ( we dont need a moon around here 'cause the light pollution is so bad ). 

Thankyou, i do want to try my other webcam which is an 8yr old creative with a 640x480 sensor ( as opposed to the no name chinese 320 x 240 16 hundred billion pixie thing)but my screw in adapter thingy wont fit and i dont have any camera film cases about ( i will admit im considering taking a hacksaw to the hover hose ) . The creative has exposure adjustment and some other things in the driver which i expect will come in handy at some point if i want some photos. 

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