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What are your astronomy firsts and favourites?


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Just for fun I have listed some personal astronomy firsts, favourites and influences below.

What are yours? Please share and feel free to extend the list. :)

First Scope: A Charles Frank 6" Reflector which was equatorially mounted on a pedestal stand. Bought in 1979.

Favourite Astronomy Book: Burnham's Celestial Handbook (3 volumes) - These used to be the 'must have' publications for the serious astronomer – not sure if they still are?

Favourite Astronomy Software: Sky Safari Pro running on iPad, I use it for researching and planning before a session, at the eyepiece during a session and for recording results after a session, a great piece of software on a great bit of hardware.

Biggest Astronomy Influence: Clacton and District Astronomy Association (CDAA) - formed in 1969 they were and still are an incredibly active group who organised numerous astronomy events including regular excursions to the BAA's Winchester weekend.

Favourite Astronomical Object: The sight of M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules though the eyepiece of a decent sized telescope of 8 inches plus is something to behold, especially if you can resolve it to see the thousands of closely packed stars twinkling in the inky blackness.

Favourite Astronomy Place: I'm going to cheat and give two - the amazing Pic Du Midi observatory precariously perched on a mountain in the French Pyrenees and the Royal Observatory at Greenwich which is so rich in history.

Astronomy Ambition: To visit the great observatories of the world. My list would include Mount Palomar, Arecibo, La Palma, Mauna Kea and the AAT.

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First Scope: 4.5” Newtonian on a shaky GEM.

Favourite Scope now:  My 7.1” triplet Apo from APM LZOS.

Favourite Astronomy Book: Sky & Telescope Pocket Sky Atlas

Favourite Astronomy Software:  Sky Safari Pro 4 on iPad.

Biggest Astronomy Influence:  Sir Patrick Moore and the Sky at Night growing up and the entire Physics & Astronomy department at Uni while I completed my undergrad and masters.

Favourite Astronomical Object:  47 Tucanae (so jealous we cannot see from the UK) and M42 (my first telescopic DSO).  Also have a soft spot for the Double Cluster.

Favourite Astronomy Place:  The NamibRand nature reserve in Namibia which is an International Dark Sky reserve with a gold rated sky.  Have been there 3 times.  The desert in the middle of Oman was also pretty amazing.

Astronomy Ambition:  Discover a comet would be nice!

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Nice topic Rob

First Scope: SW 130-p (nearly 3 years ago)

Fave Astro book: Making Every photon count

Fave Astro software: (really hard this one, let me think lol..................................................) probably..................................erm...................PHD?...........

Biggest Astro influence: Sir Patrick Moore

Fave Astro object: ..................................mhh....................M31 - Andromeda Galaxy

Fave Astro Place: my secret dark spot in the forest where the milky way glow's :D

Astro ambition: to view/image Earth from space, once Virgin's commercial space plane's become a tad cheaper :D

(one that i think should be added)

First astro Wow moment: Seeing Saturn for the first time through my loving 130-p :D

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Favourite Astronomy Place:  The NamibRand nature reserve in Namibia which is an International Dark Sky reserve with a gold rated sky.  Have been there 3 times. 

I've also observed from Namibia - what an incredible place with its tiny population and clear desert skies.

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Most memorable Astronomy experience, 7th Birthday treat, spending a whole day during the 25th anniversary at Jodrell Bank 1970, with the operators/engineers in the control centre and being taken up the tower of the Mark 1, then being allowed to trigger the machines that produced miles of punch tape.

Unforgettable. :)

Thanks Dad; RIP.

Fav target, the Moon, come rain, hail, shine, or dark, it is always reliable, both day, and night.

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First Scope: Celestron Nexstar 8SE.

Favourite Astronomy Book: Turn Left At Orion.

Favourite Astronomy Software: Stellarium.

Biggest Astronomy Influence: Sir Patrick Moore!

Favourite Astronomical Object: Saturn. My first 'wow' moment. Unforgettable, brought a tear to my eye.

Favourite Astronomy Place: North Cornwall (my first taste of a dark sky whilst on holiday).



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Just for fun I have listed some personal astronomy firsts, favourites and influences below.

What are yours? Please share and feel free to extend the list. :)

First Scope: A Charles Frank 6" Reflector which was equatorially mounted on a pedestal stand. Bought in 1979.

Favourite Astronomy Book: Burnham's Celestial Handbook (3 volumes) - These used to be the 'must have' publications for the serious astronomer – not sure if they still are?

Favourite Astronomy Software: Sky Safari Pro running on iPad, I use it for researching and planning before a session, at the eyepiece during a session and for recording results after a session, a great piece of software on a great bit of hardware.

Biggest Astronomy Influence: Clacton and District Astronomy Association (CDAA) - formed in 1969 they were and still are an incredibly active group who organised numerous astronomy events including regular excursions to the BAA's Winchester weekend.

Favourite Astronomical Object: The sight of M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules though the eyepiece of a decent sized telescope of 8 inches plus is something to behold, especially if you can resolve it to see the thousands of closely packed stars twinkling in the inky blackness.

Favourite Astronomy Place: I'm going to cheat and give two - the amazing Pic Du Midi observatory precariously perched on a mountain in the French Pyrenees and the Royal Observatory at Greenwich which is so rich in history.

Astronomy Ambition: To visit the great observatories of the world. My list would include Mount Palomar, Arecibo, La Palma, Mauna Kea and the AAT.

My first scope was a Prinz 60mm refractor on a wooden German EQ.

My favourite astronomy book (the first i bought) "Astronomy" by Ian Ridpath

Software = Stellarium

Influence = Heather Couper (as a kid i had a mad crush on her and wanted to do what she does when i grew up)

Favourite object: The Rosette Nebula (but maybe the Beehive cluster)

Astronomy ambition: To view a total solar eclipse 

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First scope: a 20x50 spotting scope. Unbranded, marked as being made in Russia.

Favourite book: The Amateur Astronomer, Octopus 1979

Software: The Internet

Biggest influence: Patrick Moore (his writing)

Favourite object: Either the winter sky (with a frosty breath of course) or the Milky Way from a dark location

Favourite place: Long Rigg, Sedbergh. Skies were so dark that the stars hurt.

Ambition: See the southern skies

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First Scope: Tasco 60mm refractor

Favourite Astronomy Book: The Light Hearted Astronomer by ken Fulton

Favourite Astronomy Software: Stellarium.

Biggest Astronomy Influence: Sir Patrick Moore

Favourite Astronomical Object: Jupiter - always something going on there !

Favourite Astronomy Place: Kennedy Space Centre
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Taking possibly a different slant:

The first piece of eqqipment I used to view something in the night sky was a set of binoculars. I can't actually recall what make or anything, but I do know that I bought them with my pocket money from argos. They were originally purchased to spot birds during my Duke of Edingburgh expedition for a project piece we had to produce.

First celestial object: Comet Hale Bopp. It was in the news and having heard it could be seen with binos I decided to use the above item to do so. Had always had a slight interest in the sky but always believed that I would never be able to afford something that would allow me to do so. I spent many nights looking at the comet with my uncle and was amazed at the number of stars viewable through my £30 binoculars!

Biggest astronomy influence: My children. Wihtout them I would have never rediscovered my love of the night sky. I had alwyas enjoyed looking up when on holiday in darker skys but real life took me away from that. My son received a telescope for christmas from his grandparents, a toys r us special. His disappointment at not seeing anything and an unuseable scope prompted me to invest in something a little better.

First telescope: A skywatcher 130M bought to help my kids with their own interest. We've had so many nights with it that not only has this hobby opened our eyes to the night sky, its really helped us bond as well.

Favourite object: For me it has to be Jupiter. I love that I can see detail on another planet and view its moons.

Favourite place: My in laws, le breiul bernard in France. Little to no light polution and many nights spent watching metor showers, counting satelites and watching ISS passes as a group.

Astronomy is often viewed as a hobby that involves one man/woman and their scope. For me the best nights have been the ones that involve sharing experiences and finding something new.

Great thread, thanks for starting.

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(one that i think should be added)

First astro Wow moment: Seeing Saturn for the first time through my loving 130-p :D

Yes good one to add to the list. I remember a family holiday in deepest rural France in 1973 when I was 7 years old, in the dead of night my parents got me and my brother out of bed and showed us the Milky Way. It must have been spectacular for them to want to do that (neither of them knew anything about the night sky) and I definitely remember it so it must have been a wow for me at the time. More recently, seeing a phenomenal amount of detail on the surface of Jupiter through my C8 on a particularly good night also rates as a memorable wow.

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My first scope was the TAL2, which I don't use so much now but would never part with.

Favourite DSOs are the ring and crab. The first ones I found after actually planning and searching.

Greatest influence. Hard to say, there have been so many. I suppose my parents kick started it by buying me a book called "The Starry Heavens" when I was about 8.

Favourite observing site. My patio. Now I've screened out the annoying street light.

Ambition. Long term, to complete the Messier list without Go-To, and see a super nova. Short term, just get the scope out and have a session. Well, we can only dream!

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First scope:- my current 150P.

Greatest influence:- Sir Patrick and S@N.

Favorite DSO:-  M44 and/or the double cluster - I know that's cheating but can't pick just one.

Favorite software:- Stellarium.

First wow moment:- the night I first put my scope outside and looked at M45.

Ambition:- to be more proficient at star hopping.

BTW this is a great thread to while away another cloudy afternoon.

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First scope:                                    Home made 6" reflector( mirror bought in I hasten to add), extremely wobbly mount , and a secondary  " mirror" that was in fact

                                                      a 45 degree prism on the end of a threaded rod which i still have as a keepsake. 1st light 1976 ( pre collimation era :grin: )

First WOW moment:                      Looking at the moon through the above instrument...........Fantastic!

Greatest influence:                        Sir Patrick Moore

Favourite Astronomical  object:     Saturn, a stunningly beautiful sight, but the first planet seen through this scope and found completely by accident.

Favourite Instrument;                    A Refractor...... or  another Refractor. I simply love refractors!

Favourite Astro book                     My 1973 edition of The Observer's book of Astronomy simply because it is the first book that I bought on the subject

Favourite Astronomy place           Our local observatory on club nights, just being with like minded people observing and talking Astronomy.


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First Scope: Tal 100rs

Favourite Astronomy Book: Sky & Telescope Pocket Sky Atlas

Favourite Astronomy Software: Stellarium

Biggest Astronomy Influence: Shane 'Moonshane' Farrell, Jules Nightfisher & Stargazers Lounge

Favourite Astronomical Object: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Milky Way & any DSO stumbled upon :p

Favourite Astronomy Place: Clear skies in Spain

Astronomy Ambition: Remember the Constellations and a few Star Names

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First scope: Celestron 60AZ

Fav Astronomy book: Illustrated guide to astronomical wonders

Fav astronomy software: Stellarium

Biggest astronomy influence: Patrick Moore

Fav astronomical object: Markarian's chain

Fav astronomy place: Hmmmm ... Torn, between darkest Dorset and South Wales ...

Astronomy ambition: To see the skies from the Southern Hemisphere.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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