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Eye patch?

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Hi, my first post - I am a newbie so please forgive any dumb questions! I have read that you should keep both eyes open when using a scope? But when I do this, I find the view from the other eye very distracting - too much light in my garden perhaps, all I see is the white bits of my dob and bits of my garden with stars floating around on top if you see what I mean. I tried putting a patch on my 'spare' eye last night and it was miles better. Do others do this? Note I wear glasses.

Note I have only had my scope for about a fortnight.

Cheers - oh, and "Clear Skies"!

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I normally use one eye only when using my scope - I don't know why you'd want to keep the other one open while looking through the eyepiece. 

I also wear glasses, but take them off when using the scope.

People often wear an eyepatch over their observing eye when not looking through the scope, so that if they are unexpectedly hit by a bright light, the night vision in their observing eye is protected.

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Keeping both eyes open is more relaxing than screwing one eye shut. Using an eyepatch on the none scope eye means you can observe for longer and see more detail. Flipping the eye patch to the observing eye when not looking through the scope can preserve night vision.

Regards, AlanP

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i did a little ressearch ;)


From what I understand, closing one eye create tensions and affect the eye that stays open. So, using an eyepatch should help you when observing for a long period of time.


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Wow thanks for all the replies! Qualia I don't think my sewing is up to that! Vox45 yes I read something similar, something about how if the muscles are holding one eye [removed word] this compromises the vision in the open eye. M0dal - great tip about preserving night vision, thanks. Nebula, I bought the Skyliner 200p (same one you are getting?) Great scope, now I just need to learn my way around the skies...

So it is not just me that wears an eye patch - thanks everyone :-)

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You guys are all crazy. Why bother with an eye patch that is either made or bought. For a stylish yet affordable option just make an eye sized hole in a hessian sack, pop it over your head and voila!!! I've even modded mine to have straw hole in case I get thirsty. 

My wife is already suspicious of me sneaking off to fields in the middle of the night.  If I go wearing a sack on my head with just one eye hole; things could start getting sticky :icon_pirat:

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An eyepatch is convenient (and I do have one), but I prefer to use an observing vest with a Monk hood. Plenty of pockets for eyepieces and bits and bobs and also the hood helps a lot for dark adaptation, keeping stray light away and of course to aid in keeping both eyes open to avoid strain:


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