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NGC7000 & IC5070 (NAN & Pelican) 4 pane mosaic


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My camera chip size certainly isn't big enough for this target and so while the moon was full I decided to go for something that I'd wanted to do last year, but that was fairly bright. With a mosaic I figured that I'd get away with less subs on each pane and it would hide any sins that there may be lurking thanks to the moon!

This is a 2x2 pane mosaic, completed in a full moon. I will give it the hubble treatment some time, but I do have a couple of other things I want to do as well.


M: Avalon Linear Fast reverse

T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

C: QSI690-wsg with 3nm Ha filter

29x1800s in total, 7x1800s on 3 panes and 8x1800s on 1 pane.


You can see a larger res version here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/nan_ic5070_ha.jpg

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This shows us, to our shame, how we usually exclude Alaska from the picture! In fact if you go any higher you'll start coming down the other side...

This is great to see. There is also that nice chinstrap loop to the south which I'm sure we'd all like to see...

:grin: lly

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Thanks all for your comments. In truth I didn't frame this quite right and I've had to crop off on the left to balance the image a little. I really should have been more careful and that way I'd have had some breathing space to the right of the Pelican. I think maybe I'll add to the bottom and right next year!!!

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the depth and contrasty detail is amazing,  i got the astrodon 5nm filter, but your image shows how much better the 3nm is,   what size is your filter, 1.25 or 2 inch

paul j

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I am constantly blown away by your images Sara. Just incredible! I'm really REALLY trying not to spend more money on Astro kit but a mono CCD with a H-Alpha filter is tempting me more and more, especially seeing the quality of your images.

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Thanks Gordon and Phillyo - A mono CCD is a massive step up from a DSLR, if that's what you are using. I very much like mono images, so if I could only have one filter it would be an Ha one without a doubt.

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