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Hi from Leafy Surrey

Feral Rabbit

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Hi everyone,

just thought I would introduce myself to the forum.

I have just (yesterday to be exact) become the proud owner of a Celestron Advanced VX 8 EdgeHD . I have added a few trinkets too, including a Luminos 10mm eyepiece, Luminos 2.5x Barlow a dew shield, a Sky Watcher power station, and probably a bit OTT a Baader dielectric diagonal (it's a beauty).
My idea, once I am comfortable with the telescope, is to get into doing some astrophotography.

I did have back in 1986 a 3 1/2" refractor on an heavy wooden tripod and manual equatorial mount with slo mo. Obviously no such thing as interweb then so I was armed with a trusty Collins "Stars and Planets" and a planesphere. TBH I felt a bit out of my depth and just looked at the Moon, Jupiter (which luckily was at it's closest to earth at the time) and I was blown away not just by seeing the Red Spot with my own eyes but I could see 4 of it's moons, and I'm convinced, well convinced myself, that I could see the moons shadows on the planet. After 4 years of blindly scanning the night sky and due to personal circumstances I sold the scope and found other interests, fishing Amiga computers, cycling, golf.

Well  a few years down the line and occasionally walking past a local astronomy shop I came back to the idea of astronomy, tbh I did miss it, and with the aid of the this forum, local clubs I am sure that I will gain a lot of knowledge to help me with my stargazing. I just need some clear nights now. 

I know I need a Moon filter and was looking the Bader Neodymiun & IR Cut Moon and Skyglow Filter. Would you recommend this one (I would rather pay more for a good one than buy cheap and cheerful) Also the Baader accepts 2" ep's and was wondering whether I should exchange my 1.25 Luminos for a 2" one. If so what would you recommend please. If I am better wit a 2" set up then obviously this will dictate the size of filter I will get.

I am a complete novice at this so please bare with me.

Anyway many thanks in anticipation and Clear Skies to all



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Hello and welcome.

There is quite a few of us around in surrey but where abouts in surrey are you?

Sorry, can't help with your filter question but someone will be along shortly who can.

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Greetings Martin,

Sounds like you've picked up some nice equipment to get you started. There's tons of information available in the forums and everyone's been great about answering all the questions from people like me who don't have much experience...

Good luck with your new scope and welcome to SGL!

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Thanks everyone.

Yes there seems to be choices aplenty regarding any item you may want to buy for astronomy (a bit like fishing equipment, cycling equipment etc) and it never really appears to be that straight forward, :laugh: Now joining a forum I am hoping to get some gentle guidance so as not to waste my money on the wrong thing unlike 30 years ago.

@hobsey, I'm not too far from you, I live near Capel. I'm blessed with quite good unpolluted skies (for Surrey) although tempered with living directly under the Gatwick flight path. :rolleyes:

Clear Skies



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Hi Martin and welcome to SGL - You have come to the right place for sure. I think that joining a local club is an excellent idea as you can really get a feel for the kit that people use. Imaging is a different kettle of fish altogether - Perhaps enjoy your visual stuff first. If imaging goes wrong for an extended period of time ...... it often can!! ..... it can really sap any enjoyment you once had!! Depends as well whether you are looking at solar system imaging or Deep Sky. Sounds silly, but they both have very different requirements. So take you time and enjoy visiting your club and getting you know your way around the sky and your kit :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Martin and welcome to SGL, you may feel like a novice, but your past experience will help, as will the forum with any problems you may encounter. Nice set of equipment you have gathered together, but going down the AP route has the habit of making bigger holes in your pockets still, enjoy :)

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