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Hi All!!


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Hi there,

Thought I'd come introduce myself, I'm Josh a total novice when it comes to stargazing. Infact I'm looking to buy my first cheapish telescope soon ( in uni so very little money)  so thought I'd come and get a bit of advice from the experts, so you'll probably see me around asking pretty basic and dumb questions for a while, so please try to bare with.

Absolutely fascinated by space and everything out there so thought now was as good a time as any to get stuck in with it propper. First aim once I get my scope is probably the classic to see the rings of saturn :) and then one day my friend and I are planning to head out to one of Englands night sky reserves, so lots to look forward to and research.

See you all around


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Hi Josh and welcome to SGL - As an imager I know nothing about actually looking through a scope :grin: but there's loads of folks who will be able to help you with any questions you may have.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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