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Just saying hello from Manchester


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Hi All,

Just starting out,bought my first telescope(Sky Watcher Explorer-130 P) although I`ve been interested for more time than I care to remember,so I thought that joining a forum would be a good idea for hints, tips etc.

At the moment I`m just trying to find my way around the sky looking at anything I can see of interest,I haven`t decided yet if I will follow any particular part of the hobby ie imaging,lunar planetary or deep space stuff or just generally pootle around the sky seeing how far I can push the telescope.

Anyway that`s all from me for now but would appreciate any advice from the more experienced members to help me get the most from my equipment.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

My advice would be, to just get out when you can and enjoy the heavens. :)

A dim red light torch, a star map and an observing chair (to keep you comfortable) is all you need for the time being.

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Hi everybody,

 Just thought i would introduce myself to the forum, i have been interested in astronomy for a few years now , but not until recently bought my first serious telescope. I have a Skywatcher 130m reflector on an eq2 mount, quite a basic scope so i hear. I also own a pair of Celestron Skymaster 25*70 bins for my quick observing opportunities, usually left in the car for when im out and about. I am seriously considering embarking on some astrophotography, so any advice or recommendations would be appreciated, as there seems to be a minefield of choices when thinking of buying equipment. I live in Stevenage in Herts, not one of the best dark sky towns, but not too far from a couple of secret sites ive found locally. Anyway thats enough about me, and i look forward to posting to the forum,     Paul.

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Just a quick question, i have an old scope given to me by an old customer of mine, and would like to post pictures of it on here, to see if anybody can give me any info on its uses etc. All it says printed on the scope is H&G Astronomical Telescope D=76.2 F=910 and made in Japan. It came in a wooden hinged box, and looks about as old as me. Any help on posting pics on here would be great as im a newbie ,thanks Paul.

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open up a new post in one of the threads, such as (getting started) or (equipment) at the SGL main menu and post your question amd up load your images there. click on (more option) on that screen, bottom right hand corner.


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