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Hello All,

Just thought I would stop by and say Hi. I am new to Astronomy and although I have always been interested I've never really found the time!

However the last series of Stargazing Live has pushed me over to the dark side, literally.

My intension is do some astrophotography after seeing some of the fantastic pics that can be achieved. I have done alot of research over the past few weeks and every google search I did led me to this site, so I thought it was only fair to join and try and suck up some more the members extensive knowledge and experience, and hopefully some day be in a position to give some back!


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Welcome to the lounge from a fellow newbie :) with your goal being astrophotography make sure you're patient - I've learned first hand that your expectations can often exceed the reality of your first scope, athough there are still breathtaking sights to see!

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Welcome to SGL

If you're interested in astrophotography then I'd get a copy of "Making Every Photon Count" and have a read of that before committing to buying anything else.  Well worth the money.


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Thanks for the warm welcome and tips, can anyone recommend a lens for moon shots? from the threads I've read and the stunning pics I have seen I realise the moon is towards the bottom of the ladder, but as good a place to start and my current obsession

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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HI Darren and welcome to SGL - If DSO is your intention then James' recommendation is spot on. There's a few of us imagers about who are only too glad to help you spend your money!! Hope you've got lots of it!!! :grin:

Look in the imaging section and find some images that you aspire to, normally people will list their kit so that can be a starting point.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Darren

Welcome from a fellow Sintellener.

Plenty of good advice here. Have you downloaded Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel for free yet.

They are both very useful planetarium software packages for finding your way around.

Assuming you have a magic wand to get us some clear skies round here.  :clouds1: :clouds1: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds1: :clouds1:

Good Luck


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Hi Darren

Have to say that my travels to really dark sites are minimal these days. What with the fickle weather as well it can be

quite disheartening once you have driven some distance only for the chance to be ruined.

Don't get me wrong, to see the heavens from a truly dark site is really amazing especially for people who have only

endured light polluted urban skies.

I try to make the most of our lot as you say most of the time, given half a chance of course due to the weather.

Having said that we are on a cruise up to the Arctic Circle in early March so hoping for some good observing with

hopefully views of the Northern Lights, fingers crossed.

Do you have anything in the way of astro kit yet or are you using a DSLR ? As you must have read don't rush into

splashing the cash until you have done more research and Steve Richards' book is a must read for anyone who

is contemplating AP.

Good Luck and Regards


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