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Hello everyone ..I'm from South Wales, UK :icon_salut:

just got my 1st Telescope (Skywatcher Dobsonian 8") and want to learn about whats above, .. hope to share and learn from you guys as i go along :p

have been raining for over a week so been waiting to use telescope for first time ... and at last.. sunday the 1st star came out ...zoomed outside to take alook and could see 2 stripes on this star, .. and wow was Saturn apparently :afro:  , and theres me just thinking it was just another Star lol.

cant wait for the next fine night ! :icon_bounce:



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Hi, Martnbev, and a warm welcome to SGL! If you haven't done laready I can recommend you dowload the free planetarium 'Stellarium' which is used by many on here to both help locate objects in the night sky and plan for a viewing session. The software is customisable to local conditions (location, light pollution etc) and also for individual telescopes - so you can get an idea of what you are likely to see through your scope/binocular eyepiece. Downloadable here: http://stellarium.org/

Hope that helps, and good luck with the new scope!


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Hi, welcome to SGL. Unless you're a very early riser I'm sure it was Jupiter. I'm also from S.Wales.and there is a South Wales social group on here. Weather permitting we tend to meet up at a site in Blaenavon where the skies are nice and dark. There's a session planned for this Saturday if you fancy it... Friendly group who all made me feel very welcome the first time I attended. Hope you enjoy the nee hobby!


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Hi Guys, .. many thanks for welcoming me to the group much appreciated, ... I was so excited i said my 1st star was Saturn  :embarassed:  .. but your all so right it was actually Jupiter :rolleyes:

and thanks for letting me know about the group which meets in Bleanavon, James  I will check out and get info on it.

this is such a great site (when you get your first scope don't you feel your on your own .. not now tho) thanks guys :grin:

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